I got the Valve Index 'full package' base stations, controllers and headset few days ago. I've been using the Occulus Rift for a few years and have enjoyed it so thought I would try out the Valve. The resolution is much better with no screen door effect. Planes are really sharp and no longer blurry and the sound is way better. The field of view is much improved over the Occulus and this is my favorite part of the upgrade to Valve. The Blur I used to get with gunsight is gone and looking to the side with my eyes is pretty clear. The Headset is more comfortable and looks like they put a lot of thought into it . I can get 140 FPS in here but in IL2 not as good sometimes dropping to 40 FMS using a GTX 1080Ti video card. I will get the GTX 2080TI card soon and think that will make it pretty awesome. The only problems I've had with it so far is with the sound, I have to run Steam VR then exit and restart the computer to get the Valve Headset speakers to connect. It ended up being better than I expected so really liking it.