Author Topic: Why I enjoy scenarios!  (Read 1330 times)

Offline Rocco

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Why I enjoy scenarios!
« on: September 15, 2019, 11:13:57 PM »
I joined AH the summer of 2016 and have flown in every 4 Saturday scenario since Hinterland (March 2017). I just wanted to share some of the things that keep me coming back and some of my highlights of the last 2.5 years.

My first scenario, P51's in Hell over Hinterland is what set the hook for me. I learned so much about how to handle a Pony and how to fly as a team. It was such a different experience than the MA and even FSO (which I had started flying just a couple months before) that I wanted to fly more. It was exactly what I was looking for, the immersion of being part of a squadron in a historical battle flying a pre-planned strategy and everyone playing their role to achieve a common goal. Like I said I was hooked.

Big Week I flew P38's. It was a thrill learning complex formations to defend bomber formations. I thought I knew 38's but it is a whole different animal at high alt. Even though I didn't score a single kill I had a lot of fun and found a weird satisfaction escorting a smoking bomber back to base after an intense fight over the target.

Target Rabul was my first time in bombers, I flew B-25H. It was mostly suicide missions but it was a great challenge. One of my favourite things I've ever done in game is we were about to be jumped by zekes for about the 3rd time in the frame and my GL WxMan says "screw it, turn in to them!" We proceed to go line abreast, face them head on and it becomes a swirling dogfight. We gave as good as we got and couple of us even made it back. It was complete with an engine failure on final. Great fun!

Kuban I flew P39's. Different again as we couldn't tangle with the fighters. It was a positioning and timing game, getting in just the right spot to hit the bombers just after the escort was stripped. Sometimes it worked and we tore into them, sometimes it didn't and we were slaughtered. I learned a lot about how to intercept and attack bomber formations. As well as when to attack and when to save the plane for the next mission.

The last scenario I will mention is Nuisance Raids. I flew Spit V's which were easily outclassed by the rest of the fighters in the scenario. I admit I was discouraged after the first frame as the Spit V's got our tulips kicked. But we adapted and came back swinging.

Every scenario I faced a different challenge. Learning a new aircraft I don't fly much, learning different strategies and tactics for different match ups, and trying to adapt when things keep ending with me in flames. I've always had great fun. It has been a great couple years and looking forward to more!

Feel free to share some good memories of past scenarios!
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Offline Brooke

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2019, 12:17:17 AM »
<S> to you, Rocco!  :aok

My first scenario was Indian Ocean, in 1992, which was the start of scenarios, invented by Doktor Gonzo in Air Warrior.  I was hooked on scenarios from then on.  I've flown in over 50 scenarios since that one, and I still greatly look forward to each and every one.  So many memories of great times -- still getting added to every year!  :aok

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2019, 05:07:15 PM »
I don't go as far back as Brooke, but Airwarrior in about 1996 would have been the first.  Each scenario brings something different.  I can vividly recall the first time in Airwarrior when for just a moment it became as real in my head as my imagination could make it.  Even though it was just typing text, it was coming through the earphones if that makes sense.  Getting sucked into the game to where all the years of reading about the airwar, and talking to vets, combines to put you 'there'.

DGS I was probably the ultimate for me as there were masses of bomber groups and fighter groups.  The Luftwaffe had to defend against two different bomb wings, of either 24s or 17s.  I had the 474th FG totaling 36 38s, all in correct markings, divided into three squadrons.  The flights were long, the fights intense and people really got into it.  Wish it could happen again.

Images from the films

Formation of 17s over the winter terrain and clouds.

The Liberators

38s out bound to join with the bombers.  Probably my favorite screenshot ever.  The conversation going on at the time was amazing.  And it looks the part

Escorting in a wounded wingman

End of flight we'd all taxi in and park it before shutting down and going to the tower.  Was really something to see

End Flight

8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2019, 07:34:10 PM »
DGS was the ultimate with all the 38s.
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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2019, 09:09:01 AM »
Yep...those were the days.
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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2019, 12:54:43 AM »

 I'm glad you enjoy the scenario's so much. Yes they are quite emersive and will give you a "major rush" that's for sure. I see that you always flown allied, (that's cool I'm glad to see you dedicated to one side or the other, I am), but once see the view point from the other side you should try axis. You will have a whole different outlook that you did before. I flew for the allies one time way way long ago and I really gained a tremendous respect for what they allies had to do. It goes both ways!!!   Back when we had major numbers we were tasked with getting at the bombers, well even though it's just a game you still break into a cold cold sweat looking at all those bombers (20+9 and even more fighters. That a major rush if there ever was one!!! :cheers: :salute       :devil
Kommando Nowotny
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Offline Rocco

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2019, 08:50:45 AM »

 I'm glad you enjoy the scenario's so much. Yes they are quite emersive and will give you a "major rush" that's for sure. I see that you always flown allied, (that's cool I'm glad to see you dedicated to one side or the other, I am), but once see the view point from the other side you should try axis. You will have a whole different outlook that you did before. I flew for the allies one time way way long ago and I really gained a tremendous respect for what they allies had to do. It goes both ways!!!   Back when we had major numbers we were tasked with getting at the bombers, well even though it's just a game you still break into a cold cold sweat looking at all those bombers (20+9 and even more fighters. That a major rush if there ever was one!!! :cheers: :salute       :devil

It's funny, I was thinking about how I've never been axis in a scenario when I wrote this up. We have flown axis in FSO many times but scenarios are a whole different beast. I think I will try axis one of these times and see what it's like on the other side. German planes are by far my weakest planeset so hopefully I'll learn a thing or two about how to fly a 109 as well!
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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2019, 06:18:11 AM »
I've always loved scenarios since participating in Guadalcanal in Air Warrior. At that point I was unable to fly myself but was becoming a fairly competent gunner and gunned a Kate flown by Greas.  My first few scenarios I mainly gunned until I started flying B17s and they became my favourite for flying whenever they were used. 

My best memory was during the longest ever scenario, Longbow, which I think lasted 18 frames - covering Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesday evenings.  Being in the UK I was only able to fly the weekend frames but loved every minute of them.  The very last frame though was the most memorable for me.

I participated as a gunner for a B17 flown by Spiff and during the flight we had been attacked several times on the way to and from the target deep in Germany.  We were on the return trip to England, smoking and badly damaged, and Spiff really had his work cut out keeping the B17 in the air all the way back.  We were about halfway over the North Sea when a group of Spitfires arrived to escort us back, flying around us all the way.  As I looked out from my gunner's seat I suddenly became extremely emotional, feeling I was really there.  I felt a lump in my throat and tears welled in my eyes as I watched the Spits circling around.  This feeling of complete immersion continued until we finally touched down on British soil and realised we had survived the long flight.  A great ending to a wonderful scenario, but sad at the same time that it was the end.

I think one of the things that made the AW scenarios a bit more immersive was the use of Briefing Rooms at the beginning of each frame.  I've never had that same level of immersion in AH, although I do still enjoy participating in scenarios.
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2019, 12:06:50 AM »
I've always loved scenarios since participating in Guadalcanal in Air Warrior. At that point I was unable to fly myself but was becoming a fairly competent gunner and gunned a Kate flown by Greas.  My first few scenarios I mainly gunned until I started flying B17s and they became my favourite for flying whenever they were used. 

My best memory was during the longest ever scenario, Longbow, which I think lasted 18 frames - covering Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesday evenings.  Being in the UK I was only able to fly the weekend frames but loved every minute of them.  The very last frame though was the most memorable for me.

I participated as a gunner for a B17 flown by Spiff and during the flight we had been attacked several times on the way to and from the target deep in Germany.  We were on the return trip to England, smoking and badly damaged, and Spiff really had his work cut out keeping the B17 in the air all the way back.  We were about halfway over the North Sea when a group of Spitfires arrived to escort us back, flying around us all the way.  As I looked out from my gunner's seat I suddenly became extremely emotional, feeling I was really there.  I felt a lump in my throat and tears welled in my eyes as I watched the Spits circling around.  This feeling of complete immersion continued until we finally touched down on British soil and realised we had survived the long flight.  A great ending to a wonderful scenario, but sad at the same time that it was the end.

I think one of the things that made the AW scenarios a bit more immersive was the use of Briefing Rooms at the beginning of each frame.  I've never had that same level of immersion in AH, although I do still enjoy participating in scenarios.

Longbow was quite the event.  It was the first time I was GL and I had the 602 Spitfire IXs and later a Wing with 317 Spits when their GL bowed out.  It was the first time the game sucked me in to where it felt as real as my imagination could make it.  I remember Fidd and one other guy flew Recce Mossies the entire scenario just getting photos of the targets hit.  Never fired a shot. Their goal was to get the pictures and get home.   Del and a couple others replicated that in DGS II with F-5 Lightnings.  Every scenario since has been an effort to get that same feeling if only for a few minutes of getting sucked into the game.  Good memories :)
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2019, 12:30:39 AM »
Longbow:  an 18-frame scenario in 1999.  :aok

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2019, 09:49:13 PM »
I was a 190 driver in that scenario. The bomber stream was huge. I remember crapping my pants every time I got pinged from a gunner.
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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2019, 10:03:03 PM »
I was a 190 driver in that scenario. The bomber stream was huge. I remember crapping my pants every time I got pinged from a gunner.

Cool!  What was your handle back then?

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Re: Why I enjoy scenarios!
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2019, 05:08:37 PM »
My cpid was probably suave or gazoo or guzoo
“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans” - John Steinbeck