I don't go as far back as Brooke, but Airwarrior in about 1996 would have been the first. Each scenario brings something different. I can vividly recall the first time in Airwarrior when for just a moment it became as real in my head as my imagination could make it. Even though it was just typing text, it was coming through the earphones if that makes sense. Getting sucked into the game to where all the years of reading about the airwar, and talking to vets, combines to put you 'there'.
DGS I was probably the ultimate for me as there were masses of bomber groups and fighter groups. The Luftwaffe had to defend against two different bomb wings, of either 24s or 17s. I had the 474th FG totaling 36 38s, all in correct markings, divided into three squadrons. The flights were long, the fights intense and people really got into it. Wish it could happen again.
Images from the films
Formation of 17s over the winter terrain and clouds.

The Liberators

38s out bound to join with the bombers. Probably my favorite screenshot ever. The conversation going on at the time was amazing. And it looks the part

Escorting in a wounded wingman

End of flight we'd all taxi in and park it before shutting down and going to the tower. Was really something to see

End Flight