Example: I recently made myself a little test mission to get used to a 109 which I've never flown and get some gunnery practice.
Here is a copy of a post I made in the Axis forum to explain how the other guys could use it if they wanted.
There is nothing scenario secret here, jsut a generic practice mission. The mission is openly listed on the terrain for anyone.
Note: I had to step around several bugs to get this working so you have to follow my instructions or else it won't work.

-------------------------------------------------------- Copied post --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Because I suck so bad and don't have a lot of time to waste in the MA, I made myself a training mission to help shake the dust off.
I can just run it over and over again and get a lot of practice in a reasonable amount of time.
Bombers with escorts on the way to target. Various groups of enemy intercept along the way. Not perfect, but useful.
If you want to try it, I have it uploaded now on the Bob40 terrain for a Custom Arena. Staged Missions don't function offline anymore.

*Note another bug forces me to have the Axis on the Allied side in the mission because you can't choose axis without it crashing.

Anyway, I worked around all that. If you have never set up Custom Arena with AI mission here is the basic approach:

Let me know if you need help.