If they drop a bomb on a hangar but do not destroy = zero. How about they hit the shore battery but do not kill = zero. They fight well against an enemy but a team mate gets the kill = zero
This is incorrect, they earn points in every scenario described in the above quote! How do you come by that it = zero?
Sounds similar to what is already implemented in War Thunder; If you at least score hits on something that does damage, you'll gain something out of it, be it research points and/or lions.
If you damage something, IE knock off an aileron, track/turret a tank, you should get something out of it, even if it's just .01 perk for it, especially if it allowed a teammate to come in and finish them off. Teamwork is a thing for some after all. 
In Aces High, a player does get rewarded everytime they score just even 1 hit/ping on an opponent's ride (plane, GV, PT boat, any ship or CV) or any objects (hangars, fuel tanks, radar, field guns, etc...)
They just don't get their name in "Lights"
So exactly what do y'all think new players be rewarded with just because they didn't get rewarded with the kill or object destroyed message?
Am I missing something?
Just curious