There are some of HTC missions on the NDIsles terrain I know.
I created two on the Bob40 terrain for the last TFT.
I just created a new furball mission on the Italy terrain for the upcoming scenario.
Have fun.

1. Custom Arena are listed
under the "Player" tab.
Click that tab.
2. Click “Create Arena” to
spawn a new Custom Arena.
Configure the parameters of your
Custom Arena:
3. Give your Custom Arena a name.
4. Set a password if needed.
5. Select the desired terrain to use.
6. Select a specific arena configuation file.
7. When finished, click “Create” button to complete
the process.
Warning: At this point you can sometimes receive a
“Host Connection Lost” error, at which point
your game will crash. If that happens just log
back in and go back to the “Player” tab and
you should still see your Custom Arena listed
under the name you specified. Just
double-click the arena name in the list and you
will re-enter.
8. Click on the “Staged Missions”
menu item.
9. Once in the Staged Missions section,
click on the menu item “Select Missions” to
see a list of available missions.
10. Click to select the mission you
desire to run from the list available.
11. Click “Load Mission” button to
clear all server state and load the
data from the selected
Stage Mission file.
12. Click the “Populate Mission” menu item
to open the dialog where you will assign
yourself, and/or any other players in the arena
to the mission flights and positions defined
in the Staged Mission file you had just loaded.
13. Click on the pilot you wish to assign and then
DOUBLE-CLICK on the flight/position you wish
him to fill. The pilot is now moved to the appropriate
team column and his name placed next to the
flight/postion he is filling. Also a check mark is added
to indicate that postion is now filled. When you have
finished, close this dialog. Notice that sometimes this
has now kicked us out of the Staged Mission section
of the Clipboard. If that happens just click
“Staged Missions” again to re-enter.
14. Once back in the Staged Mission section,
click on the “Start Mission” menu item, and
when the dialog comes up, click the
“Start Now” button for instant gratification.
So let’s say I got shot down or for some other
reason I just want to restart the mission again.
We simply re-do steps 8-14.