I got out the road grader and dozers yesterday and plowed my first road.
I have a couple questions, but I also found a bug.
The bug:
I lined up my road so that it left the Depot north from the little finger road of the depot and made a turn at the first point north...took it all the way to a field that I want it to resupply and connected it to the town.
I set the properties to what seemed appropriate...etc. And Saved it. Then built it.
Tested it in the game and it looked beautiful. The roads were very nicely aligned with the Depot and towns.
However, when I went back into the editor to continue my work, the road was not where I placed it. Instead, the turn at the point north was gone and the road began at the point North west of the one I had originaly set it to use.
This is going to be a real pain in the butt if I have to lay all the roads in one editing session.
Am I missing something, or is this a bug?