Author Topic: limit eny when we have low players  (Read 17718 times)

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2019, 04:22:49 PM »
I remember something...  :old:

Once upon a time, ENY did often not kick in in the Early War arena because of overall low numbers.  Players were less willing to stick around for a 2 vs 10 when those 10 all still could field the top plane of choice (Hurri II). In the end, the minimum population requirement for ENY to kick in was lowered.
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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2019, 04:37:41 PM »

I wasn't kidding.  Calling one's fellow players "dumb," or "idiot," or telling them to stop jerking off on the forum (something of a new low), really is not the sort of thing that puts a good face on this game for new people who just may be interested in joining a friendly group with like interests.  It's a poor answer to say that other games are worse.

- oldman

Yeah, but did he have a point?  I kinda think so.
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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2019, 04:38:34 PM »
If ENY is off and one guy joins and it turns on do you ask them to leave?  :D

Seems like it could be a disincentive to join and play if it would restart ENY and you play on the high side.

You don't have to ask anyone to leave.   They do it quite voluntarily.   
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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2019, 07:08:05 PM »
You don't have to ask anyone to leave.   They do it quite voluntarily.

Based on the arena numbers over the years, I would say they do it permanently. This sim is following Warbirds slow decline in active flying members. The lower the numbers, the less chance of having fun. The less fun, the lower the numbers get.

I know HTC is trying everything they can to attract and keep new players, but clearly nothing they have tried has worked to date. It isn't going to matter whether eny is limited when there are low players, because if things keep going the way they have been, there won't be any players... certainly not enough to call this a massive multiplayer game. Arena numbers over 500 are what makes this game shine compared to the competition.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 07:10:09 PM by streakeagle »
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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2019, 08:09:23 PM »

I wasn't kidding.  Calling one's fellow players "dumb," or "idiot," or telling them to stop jerking off on the forum (something of a new low), really is not the sort of thing that puts a good face on this game for new people who just may be interested in joining a friendly group with like interests.  It's a poor answer to say that other games are worse.

- oldman

In my case, I didnt call anyone dumb, I called his statement dumb. I like Shuff he always tries to put a good spin on things in the game. The point I was trying to make was that just because eveything it "hunky dory" for a few players doent mean that it must be for everyone. FESS is ticked because the game he loves is slowly dieing away and it doesnt look like anyone is working to fix it, hell many people arent even admitting there are issues that need work.

You may not like how players seem to be bad mouthing the game, and they really arent, they are pointing out what they believe are issue that need looking at, but the point is many new players never hit the BBS, and last less than a half an hour in the game never to be seem again. It cant be due to bad mouthing IN the game as most dont stay long enough to learn to TUNE to 200 and see the worst of it.

The game needs new blood that will stay long enough to get deep into the learning curve. Changes need to be made to make that happen PERIOD

Offline Shuffler

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2019, 08:30:22 PM »
These kind of statements are about the dumbest ones Ive seen on these boards. If you follow that logic to the end it means there will be 5 players on flying their ride of choice because ENY doesnt effect them, while everyone else has left the game.

Just because it doesnt effect you dosent make the point moot. These people have valid complaints and unfortunately with more and more complaints about one thing or another you can see the effect in the numbers as they continually drop away.

2 more squads have given notice for FSO that this is their last month as they can no longer get enough players to show to make it worth the time and energy. Poor Brook has worn his fingers down to nibs trying to build some interest in the scenario coming up. If there is "nothing wrong with the game" why are so many people leaving?

I told you a fact. If you do not like facts.... that is your problem. If you do not understand it.... that does not make it dumb.
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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2019, 08:37:13 PM »

 It cant be due to bad mouthing IN the game as most dont stay long enough to learn to TUNE to 200 and see the worst of it.

When you criticize the game in game who is that helpful information directed at? And how is it helping?

Offline FESS67

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2019, 09:07:38 PM »
Was I rude? Yep!

But you know what I find the glib comments like 'did you change sides' or ' ENY never affects me' equally rude and that is why I reacted as I did.

We have been telling you for a long time that as numbers decrease ENY and side switch times combined with large maps and 3 side system that almost always sees one side left out of the fight is a real issue.

If the game mechanics are frustrating your long term players and causing them to log out then maybe there is actually a problem!

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2019, 09:26:47 PM »
I told you a fact. If you do not like facts.... that is your problem. If you do not understand it.... that does not make it dumb.

It may be a "fact" for you but the other 100 players seem to have an issue with ENY and so log off or unsubscribe. This game cant survive on individuals players being happy, it needs large groups of players happy, logging in, and playing the game. That is what makes your statement dumb. Always looking out for yourself isnt the best plan.

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2019, 09:43:53 PM »

If the game mechanics are frustrating your long term players and causing them to log out then maybe there is actually a problem!

Who is this mythical person who says there isn't a problem? 

The issue is what to do. Any idiot can complain.

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2019, 10:16:24 PM »
Who is this mythical person who says there isn't a problem? 

The issue is what to do. Any idiot can complain.

People have been posting suggestions for years and nothing is done. Im wondering is HTC just going to let it run out, or are they going to fight to get back in the game?

They held the top for "Simulated games" for years, but now they dont even show up on Google. Whats the plan? I heard DCS has a sale going this weekend, should I start learning how to fly there?

Offline Vraciu

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2019, 10:48:34 PM »
Was I rude? Yep!

But you know what I find the glib comments like 'did you change sides' or ' ENY never affects me' equally rude and that is why I reacted as I did.

We have been telling you for a long time that as numbers decrease ENY and side switch times combined with large maps and 3 side system that almost always sees one side left out of the fight is a real issue.

If the game mechanics are frustrating your long term players and causing them to log out then maybe there is actually a problem!

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Offline Vraciu

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2019, 10:50:36 PM »
Who is this mythical person who says there isn't a problem? 

The issue is what to do. Any idiot can complain.

The OP already suggested one thing that needs to be done. Dozens of us have offered other ideas to make things better. 

Nothing changes.   Past becomes prologue. 

Look, I love this game as much as anyone (and have backed that up with countless hours spent creating and updating skins for the Mustang), but whistling past the graveyard is not a strategy. 

« Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 11:39:32 PM by Vraciu »
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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2019, 11:50:48 PM »
I remember something...  :old:

Once upon a time, ENY did often not kick in in the Early War arena because of overall low numbers.  Players were less willing to stick around for a 2 vs 10 when those 10 all still could field the top plane of choice (Hurri II). In the end, the minimum population requirement for ENY to kick in was lowered.

I was under the impression that the ENY setting applied to all MA arenas: Early War, Mid War and Late War Melee Arenas... back then when it was setup during that period.... was that last couple of years of AH or during early years of AHII?

and I didn't know that it had been done away with or whatever

thanks for remembering Snailman, I thought that I remembered as well, LOL

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Offline guncrasher

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Re: limit eny when we have low players
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2019, 12:45:31 AM »
I told you a fact. If you do not like facts.... that is your problem. If you do not understand it.... that does not make it dumb.

shuffler when you have 18 players in an arena, we shouldnt have eny.  you can say switch and it will fix it, but switch to what.  I was flying with friends and if I was to switch or ask others to switch then we still would have eny.  me I play this game because I like the p51, not because of low eny but because I grew up hearing stories about the p51.  that's my favorite ride.  I have flown others zero's spits, nikis and used to be pretty good in them.  but when I up in my p51 with the red tails skins, I get this feeling that this is the ride I was mean to be in.

I understand when we have 70 or 80 players, even 50 but at 18?  come on.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.