Author Topic: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login  (Read 5453 times)

Offline FESS67

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2019, 07:24:09 PM »

I understand your point Fess.

However, it is also possible that they only stayed 30 min because they jumped into the Melee too soon, because they felt they had to because they were already burning their two-week trial, they immediately feel overwhelmed, realize they'll never figure it all out before the trial expires, so fek it.  Close, uninstall.

So my point is maybe we shouldn't set up the reward system to encourage them jumping into Melee before they are ready.  And maybe you can get them to train and practice a little bit first if they feel they are not getting robbed of their trial period by doing so.


Offline hitech

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2019, 09:48:59 AM »

However, it is also possible that they only stayed 30 min because they jumped into the Melee too soon, because they felt they had to because they were already burning their two-week trial, they immediately feel overwhelmed, realize they'll never figure it all out before the trial expires, so fek it.  Close, uninstall.

Possible but very very doubtful. I really can't see fear of burning 2 weeks being a reason to jump instantly into the melee. There are other reasons people would instantly enter the main, mostly being wan't to see what it is about. But the goal needs to be to set the hook, this can be done by not allowing them into them main until they meet a goal. Then entering the main can be viewed as a reward, and since they worked for it, they will be more likely to want to be able to use/ try out the reward vs viewing it's value as 0.


Offline CptTrips

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2019, 11:38:37 AM »
Possible but very very doubtful. I really can't see fear of burning 2 weeks being a reason to jump instantly into the melee. There are other reasons people would instantly enter the main, mostly being wan't to see what it is about. But the goal needs to be to set the hook, this can be done by not allowing them into them main until they meet a goal. Then entering the main can be viewed as a reward, and since they worked for it, they will be more likely to want to be able to use/ try out the reward vs viewing it's value as 0.


We both totally agree on setting the hook as early as possible. 

I think we both agree that means delaying their entry into the Melee until they are ready to have a decent chance at a possible positive experience. 

I agree it is a good idea to setup some minimal goals for them achieve before letting them into the Melee.  It not only gives them some needed instruction, but  each success builds their confidence.

But I ought to be able to go into the Training Arena and get instruction, or into the F2P AI-Augmented arena and do some practice without kicking off the trial period. 

Would you start the trial period when they login and start the qualification course?  That would be a recipe for resentment.  They would then certainly resent any gates you place in front of them while burning through their trial period at the same time.  You want them to see the initial training as a benefit, not a cost.  You want to be able to say to them "Hey we want you to work through these lessons and maybe go to the Training Arena for personal instruction and  maybe go to the AI arena to get some good practice.  None of this will consume any of your trial and it will help you get up to speed so you can make the best use of your two-weeks in the Melee arena."



« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 01:03:34 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2019, 12:20:58 PM »
Why assume the training missions would start the two week period?

You sign up, you can immediately fly in any free arena.

You have the option to complete training missions that earn you two free weeks in the MA.

You can get help if you want it.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2019, 12:38:21 PM »
Why assume the training missions would start the two week period?

You sign up, you can immediately fly in any free arena.

You have the option to complete training missions that earn you two free weeks in the MA.

You can get help if you want it.

Why are you assuming that I am assuming?  Did you not see the question?

Would you start the trial period when they login and start the qualification course?

Then I explained what I thought would be the downside, if the answer were yes.

The 2 week trial starts when they first log into any arena.


He stated logging into "ANY" arena would start the two-week trial.  That would imply that logging into the Training Arena would start the two-week trial.  That would imply logging into WW1WF would start the two-week trial.  That would imply that logging into the WWII:1940-1943 arena would start the two-week trial.  That would imply that logging into Steal the Sheep would start the two-week trial.

If the new player training lessons requires a login, maybe that too would start the two-week trial.

Whether that is or is not the case is what I am trying to get a clarification on.  I think the two-week trial should only start once you enter a $Pay$ arena like the Melee or the AvA or SE. 
I don't think it should start when you log into the Qualification Course, not the TA, not WW1WF, not Steal the Sheep, not WWII: 1940-1943, etc.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 12:39:57 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2019, 01:05:22 PM »
That's the current situation with the free trial. There is no reason to think it would be part of a new system.

I assumed you were asking because you thought it was likely.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2019, 01:13:28 PM »
That's the current situation with the free trial. There is no reason to think it would be part of a new system.

I assumed you were asking because you thought it was likely.

There is no reason to think it isn't.  That is what I was asking to find out.

Current or future system, I don't think the two-week trial should start until you enter a $PAY$ arena like the Melee, AvA, SE.  Certainly not when you enter Training Arena, or even any F2P AI arena.

Hence the wish.

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2019, 01:20:11 PM »
Have a little faith.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2019, 01:37:03 PM »
Have a little faith.

What if I had had faith that going into Training Arena now wouldn't have started my two-week trial?

It would have seemed reasonable to me now, that going into a F2P arena wouldn't start my two-week trial over in the pay arena.  My faith would have been unrewarded.

I can't make a suggestion in the Wishlist forum?  I have to just shut up and have faith? 

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Offline hitech

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2019, 01:54:40 PM »
I doubt I will change when the free time starts. Currently I am planing on the training missions being off line, hence would not trigger the first arena entrance. But I can not see a down side even if the clock would start at first training mission.

I think you are over thinking how the 2 weeks free effects peoples play. The purpose of the free time is to create a risk free attitude of download and trying out the game. A player would not even know what he is missing with out entering the pay arenas. The change in making the training missions is to make his entrance into the PVP arenas less over whelming. No matter how much training a person receive they will still be fodder in the arenas, but at least with forcing them threw training they will have a taste of what shooting down a plane is like, and will be able to navigate the basics of moving fields, reading the map and selecting a plane.


Offline CptTrips

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2019, 02:51:58 PM »
I doubt I will change when the free time starts. Currently I am planing on the training missions being off line, hence would not trigger the first arena entrance.

I think that would be your best bet.

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2019, 05:15:01 PM »
I doubt I will change when the free time starts. Currently I am planing on the training missions being off line, hence would not trigger the first arena entrance. But I can not see a down side even if the clock would start at first training mission.


Isn't the idea to complete the training missions first, then you get the two weeks free as a reward? If the clock starts at the first mission then you win whatever time is left after the last mission.

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #42 on: October 23, 2019, 07:14:19 PM »
I understand the idea behind the training and rewarding people with the free 2 weeks, but I dont think its going to "set the hook" like you want.

A lot of the "Pigs on the Wing" are looking into other games. Someone will try out a new game and post to the Discord server what they think of it and some tips and such about getting started. For the most part just about everyone hates doing the "training tutorials" BEFORE they can get into the game. They are boring and drag on forever when all they want to do is get into the game. At least for us we have the others that have gone before cheering us on, "it only takes an hour or so, you can stick it out!". Whos going to push these new players on to finish the training?

I think the biggest issue today is the new players. They are use to "free" play, also most games are setup alike enough that they can stumble along and make progress. Aces High is a pretty complex game with a very big learning curve. Todays players are not WWII buffs like most of us are. That is what made the game interesting to us. That will to pretend that we were fighting in the "Great War". Todays players are looking for games that are "free" (no obligations), and that are quick action.

I think a new players loads up the game and logs in right away. The extent of their "research" into the game is a couple of youtube videos they ran across looking for something else. They know nothing about the key mapping, communications, or control settings. Many of the actions in the game are not intuitive..... which country am I? How do I move from base to base? How do I pick,load and launch a plane? What are the E,W,S and other little buttons on the notebook for? How do you close the notebook so I can see where Im flying? To all of us here this is all old hat and we have a hard time figuring out why these guys can figure out how to do these things. Add in that many new players have the patience of a nat and you can begin to see why you cant set a hook any more. Most look at the trouble they are having when they first start up and say to themselves...... Im never going to learn enough of this game in two weeks to be able to do anything, and "poof" their gone.

Personally I'd like to see some of the game functions streamlined to more mimic some of what other games use as there controls. We have the mapping, so changing things wont effect those that have everything set like they want it. W,A,S,D are the new view buttons and the mouse needs to be set so forward, back, left and right and inch or two mimics the full through of a joystick. Keep it simple.

A couple free planes and a vehicle IN the MA. This is where they want to play, this where they are going to see "all those other players", this is where the ACTION is. This is what you need to set the hook! No pressure, learn as you go, it doesnt cost them a dime. Getting training is a great idea. Setup the training in groups of 5 training sessions. You complete a group and as a reward you get another plane or vehicle added to the "free" list in the MA. Now they are playing with the "big boys", they are learning AND getting a couple new planes sinking that hook in a bit deeper as time goes on, again with no pressure to the new player.

So after your "training" is over and you've played for a while you have 5 or 6 planes and vehicle or two. No uber planes or heavy bombers, but enough to wet your whistle. At this point you find out how well you have set the hook. Sure some are going to get bored and quit, others will be ok with just a few planes and vehicles and stay on the "free to play" group, but those that you've hooked will upgrade to the full subscription.

An added bonus to having a "free" group allowed in the MA is better numbers. Seeing more numbers in the MA will promote more players to stick around. The more players in the arena the better the odds of others logging in and finding the "type" of action they are looking for be it missions, furballs, or vehicles.

Another thought, I dont know what kind of information HTC has/gets with exit surveys but maybe they could generate more information by having players take a survey. Post on gaming sites that HTC will give out $25 or $50 Steam gift certificates for anyone who loads up the game and tries it for an hour ( noting that HTC can track the time a player plays) then fills out the survey. Questions on the survey can be targeted.

1 How hard did you find it to use the notebook?

2 How hard was it to get into a plane or vehicle?

....and so on. This may give HTC a much better idea of "why" players leave after 30 minutes and never return.   

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Re: Delay Two-Week Trial Until First Melee Login
« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2019, 05:28:21 PM »
How about a pop up message when you try to enter the MA after completing the required offline missions, Do you want to start your free trial?

That gives the player a choice but mainly it avoids the player feeling time pressure in the offline missions and feeling like they didn't get the full two weeks. I agree the two weeks in themselves are not that important but I think the customer perception of the company is affected.

What I hope would also happen is the new players who don't have a free trial yet would populate the free arenas.