I could be wrong, but I believe the two-week trial starts as soon as they open the account. If so, I suggest the trial doesn't start until they first login to the Melee (and make sure that is clearly communicated).
They should have the ability to go through the upcoming training and maybe even go practice in the F2P arena (like.... maybe a WWII AI arena

) without starting the clock ticking.
This would allow them to get up to speed and get their controls worked out, and learn some of the basic mechanics BEFORE starting the clock ticking. Give them the chance to get up to speed without the time pressure.
Otherwise you set up the perverse incentive to jump into the Melee immediately even if they are not ready, because otherwise they feel they are wasting their two weeks. That generally leads to a poor user experience for the player and a lost customer for HTC. They will also be much more receptive to the qualification missions if they don't think you are burning through their trial time.
The two week trial should be focused on appreciating the excitement of online multiplayer WWII combat in the Aces High arena, not on how how to get off the runway.