Thanks Sundog
Funny, last night I decided that I was going to make a small addition to a shpfilter file I made.
I had already updated my shpfilter with the new shape items from the editor v2.08.
All the shape items in the list where listed alphabetically but some items need a small description.
You saved me the trouble with these items.
Can I plagiarize, hehe, I mean, use your description of items GC000 to GC107
*I'll put note ( Description by Sundog )
Even been looking at snap shot pictures of some items to help.
Here is the shpfilter file I had made. If you put this file in the C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains and rename it shpfilter, it will
remove all the shape items from the shape selection box when you are in the editor.
This way you can edit the shape selection box by deleting the shape name of the shape you want
from the shpfilter.
Now that shape will show up in the shape selection box.
<S> Sundog