Author Topic: F4u1a cockpit in vr  (Read 2123 times)

Offline atlau

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F4u1a cockpit in vr
« on: November 17, 2019, 11:45:09 AM »
Anyone find the -1A cockpit to have you sitting super aft in the seat? Took it up yesterday and it felt my head was embedded behind the headrest. Havent seen the issue with other planes and tried to reset the view with Home/F10 but didnt make a difference.

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2019, 11:48:54 AM »
I adjusted all my views for VR. You have to stop the tracking before you can readjust. I forget the key command but offhand I want to say it's either ctrl+f4 or f5. Once the tracker is stopped you can adjust with the arrow and page up /down keys like usual then hit f10 to save each view.

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80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2019, 12:39:45 PM »
If I recall correctly you can just take the headset off and AH3 will allow you to move the head position while seeing your keyboard.

Offline flippz

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2019, 05:43:04 PM »
the f4u1d Is the only one I can see out of with any decent views, all the rest its like I am smashed in to the dash and im 8ft tall, cant see around the bill.  have tired every possible seat postion for the 1a and no luck on the view

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2019, 05:54:47 PM »
Can't you just lean forward, hit recenter, then sit normally again to move your head back?

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2019, 07:19:57 PM »
Can't you just lean forward, hit recenter, then sit normally again to move your head back?
Ya can. But if you really want to get your views dialed in do it like I said. That's truely set it and forget it where you just hit the center view button and you're good to go. Not at all unlike how I adjusted views going from a hat switch to TIR.

I just had to fly a couple of planes I rarely fly in FSO and one of them was the F4U-1A. I didn't like how the views were in VR. So I readjusted them all as I described and they work for me now. I've now tweaked all my views for VR. Much improved.

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80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2019, 07:36:02 PM »
Drano that question was for flippz who said he can't move his head position to see well in the 1A. I'm curious why he's having trouble. Moving your head around should be easy in all the aircraft.

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2019, 08:18:58 PM »
Drano that question was for flippz who said he can't move his head position to see well in the 1A. I'm curious why he's having trouble. Moving your head around should be easy in all the aircraft.

You can't adjust head positions while actively in VR or TIR. Hitting the arrow, page up or page down buttons yields no movement. Once you've paused or stopped them you can adjust as you normally would. So you're right--it is that easy, but it won't let you do it til you're not in a tracking mode. Believe me, as I've tried a plane I hadn't since going to VR I've had to do this every time. After doing that the views are fine.

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80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2019, 09:46:16 PM »
That's why I posted about taking the headset off. It stops the tracking and lets you see the keyboard.  :aok


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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2019, 01:04:15 AM »
I find that besides the F4U, the I16 is super aft, the hurricane, the Mossy and B25 all have you sitting back too far.  Instead of removing the headset to stop tracking I found a much easier and more effective method.

NOTE: This applies to Oculus Rift (my setup)

1.) Take mental note of how far you would like the Aircraft to slide back or forward to put you in the sweetspot.
2.) Press the Oculus menu button on the right touch controller. (Even if you use your HOTAS). Pressing the Oculus menu button pauses your game and gives you the option to "reset tracking" or "Quit Application". Using your touch controller, point and click the reset tracking option. It will then tell you to look ahead and press any button.. BUT WAIT.. DONT CLICK ANY BUTTON YET.
3.) if you were set wayyyyy back in the pilots seat like FLS mentioned in the F4U, simply slide your chair back a few inches, or lean back a few inches and THEN CLICK ANY BUTTON TO RESET TRACKING. Then return to your normal sitting position.
You will find that the plane has now slid back and you are now in the sweetspot. You can use this method to adjust the plane in any direction you want in order to position the cockpit perfectly to your taste.
An example, In the B25, the default position has me too far back and too low. So I quickly hit oculus menu, click reset tracking, lean back and stick my head up, tap any button and boom, im in the sweet zone..
occassionaly the tracking will reset or drop an inch or two for no reason and so even mid flight the option i described above takes me less than 5 seconds to reset.
Hope it helps..


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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2019, 04:51:20 PM »
Drano that question was for flippz who said he can't move his head position to see well in the 1A. I'm curious why he's having trouble. Moving your head around should be easy in all the aircraft.
Oh I can move my head.  But it’s like I’m 8ft tall in the 1a and -4. Can’t see around the bill that’s over head. Practically no “up” view. I have changed every seat setting I can but nothing works.

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2019, 05:16:48 PM »
You guys know there is a center tracker mappable setting in AH right?

Offline FLS

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2019, 05:41:44 PM »
Oh I can move my head.  But it’s like I’m 8ft tall in the 1a and -4. Can’t see around the bill that’s over head. Practically no “up” view. I have changed every seat setting I can but nothing works.

Using pgup,pgdn, and the arrow keys:

For the up view move your head forward while looking up.

For the rear view over the bill move forward, away from the seat, and up while looking back.

For the full rear view move forward, away from the seat, then to the left or right side, while looking back, and you'll see the full tail.

I should mention, start by taking the headset off and finish each view with F10 to save it.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 08:13:59 PM by FLS »

Offline atlau

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2019, 07:13:44 PM »
You guys know there is a center tracker mappable setting in AH right?

Yep when I center my vr it puts me in that weird view position

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Re: F4u1a cockpit in vr
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2019, 08:10:11 PM »
Yep when I center my vr it puts me in that weird view position

Center tracker, then move your head position in AH3 from the weird position to where you want it, the save with F10. After that center tracker should put you where you want to be.