I am more intrested in making Detail maps that include road, Trees, and hiding spaces for tanks and anythink else.
But i am currently unabile to make REAL detaild terrians in the map editing program.
some of the things are
Roads cant be edited INSIDE the 25mil by 25mil area. What i mean by this is, you cant do roads that twist and turn withint a 25mil area in a block. I would be good if we could split the 25 mile into an area. This would enable people to get more detail into the maps. I am for editing little parts of the maps instead of LARGE land masses. Also, I was wondering if we have the ability to add trees were we want them. Because currently there is hardly any area for Land Tanks or anythink else to hide within the terrian.
All the trees/palms/house/snowmans you see now are terrain clutter and these are automaticly placed on the map and not specificly placed by the map creator but are automaticly set to the underlying terrain texture.
One texture tile holds about a 200-300 hundred clutter objects and you really dont wanna know how much texture tiles an average map has so placing individual trees would be an almost impossible task. Placing roads should be much easier.
Being a newbie myself in map making, i suggest you try and make a really small map first without all bells and whistles since this is already a ton of work if you want the normal MA setup with fields, depots, roads, city's, HQ's, etc.
Since so few people work with AH editor, it has few features and making a map involves alot of menial tasks which you have to do by hand.
If you have questions, fire them away at this board, alot of people know some anwsers which you won't find an any help file