I can some time get to work it seems. But often on this mission (4x4 Dogfight F4F-4 v A6M2) if I select from Offline Missions list and switch to Axis, it gets to the curtain in briefing and then CTD.
Playing as Allied seems to work.
See attached dmp.

OK. All Axis starts CTD when selected directly from the Offline Missions button list. However, if you play the mission first as Allied, and then after without leaving that arena, reload the mission again from Staged Missions menu and then select Axis, it runs fine. So I don't think it is a bug in the mission definition itself.
So CTD case:
1. Click Offline Missions button
2. Select "4x4 Dogfight F4F-4 v A6M2"
3. Select fly for Axis
4. Hit OK -> CTD
No CTD case:
1. Click Offline Missions button
2. Select "4x4 Dogfight F4F-4 v A6M2"
3. Select fly for Allied
4. Hit OK
5. Once mission starts, complete or eject.
6. (Without leaving arena!) Go to Staged Missions | Select Missions
7. Select "4x4 Dogfight F4F-4 v A6M2"
8. Select fly for Axis
9. Hit OK -> Mission runs fine. No CTD.