Thanks for the feedback!
I would leave out gv paths to factories.
Misunderstanding I guess. In defense of center (forward) factories I was referring to another map (buzzsaw) that has GVs spawns to factories, as prior art for factories under high threat. I don't like those (especially with offense/defense spawns on opposing sides, allowing simultaneous destruction and resupply), so I'm surely not adding them (except possibly with a similar scheme applied to the towns - but not on this map, here factories are bomber targets, maybe another one).
I don't see any issues that I would say no to ,
No carriers is valid (I didn't see a rule for that anywhere)?
Also, it may need a closer look on the front line fields.
I think I'm slightly exceeding the normal limit for base/town distance, but the common mountain they are sitting on hopefully makes the dependency sufficiently clear. The town is elevated 2kft above the field, and town and spawns are surrounded by another 1kft mountain. This is intended to provide some protection for the GVs fighting over the town from local fighter bombers. Access to the town is only provided from one side, so GVs cannot get there without meeting the enemy first.
(A long time ago I had a wish list item to be able to turn the spawn heading separately from the spawn bearing. That was to be able to spawn the GVs facing the crossroads area, the local ones from the field spawn "backwards".)
The vbases are presented on silver plates, err, little islands without trees to the air forces of the adjacent air bases. Supply-roads end at the lake (I tried canals with barges, but once they reach the lake, they submerge. Could the barges from ports be used for vbases?)
except possibly the 3 runway fields being to close and to many.
I have no religious feelings about those, they are just there to fill up the map, to get the areas intended for the actual fight to around 20% of the fields. They're not intended to be used, except to launch bombers from, and to counter-attack after having lost the bases intended for the fight. Should any country lose a significant number of those, that would be synchronized with bbs-whines about two other countries being allied.
Note that the end points of the GV forward spawns need some more refined destinations (priorities to work on things - less relevant items to be detailed last), but the intend is to place them in way to make it much easier to re-capture possibly lost fields than it is to capture enemy fields. Fields further to the back come with an altitude advantage, too. This is intended as a natural barrier to prevent one country from dropping far below ~60% (losing the front line fields intended for the fight on both sides, but no(t much) further than that).
But I do think it will be wildly criticized do to central factories. Buzz saw had it that way originally i think.
Ok, similar to what Easyscor said above. I would think so too, if factories were just sitting out there in the open as food for 30k+ buffs from the other side of the map, or nearby enemy fields. But that's not the idea.
The topography is intended to limit attack paths, the snowy areas in the center are 22k (when turned into nicely looking shapes probably around 20-22k), and I'm thinking about a cloud layer on top. This both limits the flight time for bombers (no reason to spend time climbing above), and allows defenders to react on short notice, with bar dar giving intentions away clearly.
The closest distance to the relatively meaningless refinery is 3 sectors, with defense available within 1 sector for the important targets. With a reaction time to read the dar bars of 1 sector that leaves 2 sectors to go for the bomber, which should provide sufficient time to climb from 5k (air base) to 20k (cloud cover) for the defender.
Having things (relatively) close together reduces the time for flying and increases the ratio of the time fighting.
Maybe the factories could move slightly further out, but they would probably need to get closer together. What's the minimal distance between factories?
Also I need to see a full map of the layout , please put sector lines makes it easier to gauge distances.