What problem do you think exists that is being ignored?
The MCAS was added to prevent a potential problem and was deemed safe when used properly. It was a fix for a problem that hasn't happened. Sort of the opposite of your complaint.
not saying ignored by the manufacturer, or perhaps it is. but ignored by you guys. redundant systems, a single sensor used that can fail because somebody was chewing bubble gum and left it there and forgot about it. I dont hear from you guys saying that. I want to hear from you guys say, well yeah, the sensor thingy should be redundant just in case. because put yourselves as passengers and you will understand what I am trying to say. yes things can fail and a good pilot will try to fly till the airplane crashes or lands. yes the 2 planes that crashed did have bad pilots. and I am not saying it should replace training. but if it had had a redundant system or a light that said "hey stupid, I am giving you wrong information, instead of being sold as an option. well that is scary.
and again put yourselves in a situation whre you know nothing about airplanes like me. and I am overly exaggerating here, and you hear a pilot say, after the fact, yes the gas truck took off the wingtip but no need to fix it. I am a trained professional and I can fly it. and I gave you this example just to prove a point to us passengers, that's what you guys sound like. I do agree pilot training had a big thing to do with it,
but what I worry about is pilots saying well it it's a non-issue, instead of saying we train for it, but it should be fixed.I am not trolling any of you guys, just giving you my thoughts as a passenger.