Some games provide incentives to simply log in on a daily basis. Candy Crush Saga gives you little power-ups that cycle through every 7 days. Elder Scrolls Online has an award for each day of the month. You log in and get the award, be it an experience scroll, in-game gold..etc.
As silly as this may sound, I am aware that even I will log into Candy Crush or Elder Scrolls Online at least once a day to gather the daily 'award'. Sure, I may soon log off, but I will make that initial effort.
I can't help but think it could be applied to AH as well.
The problem would be what, exactly, can be awarded and/or accumulated that is attractive enough, yet won't adversely impact game play.
The only thing that comes close to a tangible would be perk points, and that, I don't think, is the best answer. Yes, there could be at least one in there.. perhaps 50 perks on the 10 consecutive day you log in. Something that's not too silly.
But what else? Unfortunately, I can't really think of anything that wouldn't require a bit of coding to support. For instance:
- Air-spawn voucher. different increments 10,15,25k alt at field of choice Over your own field it probably wouldn't have that big of an impact on the game ( except for pouncing on vultures.. which is not, necessarily, a bad thing )
- Fuel burn multiplier voucher. 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 of arena setting for burn rate.. so you can outfit your LA-7 at 25% and fly for a couple hours at full throttle
- Ammo loadout bonus. more boomstick without weight penalty
Here, again, nothing that will truly affect game play ( from what I can tell ) .. and these would be a one-time use token. Sure, you should be able to accumulate them, so you're not forced to use them on that day.
So, as an example..
Day 1 you log in and don't get anything.
Day 2 you log in and get a 5k airspawn voucher
Day 3 you log in and get a .75 fuel burn voucher good for one sortie ( until you return to tower )
Day 4 you miss logging in
Day 5 you log in and don't get anything.
Day 6 you log in and get a 5k airspawn voucher
and so on.
And, of course, the order of awards can be rotated on a weekly, monthly, daily basis so it's not always the same sequence.. and you could have a calendar of the upcoming awards so if somebody really, really, really wants the 25k airspawn voucher and they see it is scheduled for the 20th consecutive log in day..
I suppose a voucher for side switching time delay reduction could be included too..
Just a thought.