In the `hypotheotical' map I am creatiing, I am planning on making the airfields differently. For instance, I was planning on 6 Very Large bomber bases per team. They would have a single runway constructed from four standard runways (e.g.-take a current runway put another parallel next to it and add two more at the end). I was planning on doing this to make large Bomber runways where formations of bombers could roll from without being `on top of' each other (e.g.- for sea events where friendly collisions are on and because it would look cool). Does anyone know if that is possible?
As for fighter fields, all the other fields will be fighter fields only, with some being dual runways and some very austere forward bases. In fact, I havent looked at the objects available, but is there a taxi-way model in there that I could use to make a small `runway' from.
Also, can I make an airfield without a runway (Grass pull into the hanger to exit if you land there)? Of course, since they have made `exploding' while ditching so easy (Due to whiner support) I don't know if a grass strip will be do-able since you may explode on take off..if not landing..hehe.
All of this may be moot if the objects are scalable ( I read the Editor instructions, but am just familairizing myself with its use right now.) I just want to be as prepared as I can possibly be before I get to airfield construction. Thanks!
[This message has been edited by Sundog (edited 08-09-2000).]