Yeah, I did not play in that one. A scenario should be more than a series of snapshots.
Some people like progressive scenarios (that span a longer time than one battle, sometimes such that each frame is a different battle in a series), and some folks do not.
Because some people did ask for them,we have run them, but only rarely: Southern Conquest (2016), The Pacific War (2014), and BOG (2011).
What made the Malta frame so great?
It had a lot of combat action for both sides, neither side seemed to dominate the other, and bomber surviability was around 50-60% (challenging, but not a total wipe out every time). For Ju 88's (I was GL), a typical mission involved fighting to and from target, and, when we did make it back to base, it was usually with missing drones and being all shot up. Also, we got to do bombing of land targets at alt, and antishipping on the deck -- very fun variety of targets and attack styles.
The whole Southern Conquest scenario was like that except for the Torch frame. There, the allies shut us Ju 88's down, so it was a frustrating frame, but hats off to them. For the rest of it, though, it was a blast, and one of my favorite for bomber action of any scenario.
Another awesome mission from Southern Conquest. Dantoo was loving this part of it, too, as you can hear.