Author Topic: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness  (Read 1784 times)

Offline AKKuya

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Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« on: January 13, 2020, 09:52:42 PM »
Saturday January 25th in SEA 2 at 9PM EST/8PM CST.

Massive Midway Mayhem
CM Host AKKuya
Contact on text 202 or Vox 174 for any questions.

The IJN and IJAAF has launched a massive naval force against the island of Midway.  The USN and USAAF has intercepted the Japanese attack plans and deployed a massive naval force to protect Midway. 

Historical version: The Japanese had 4 aircraft carriers and support ships to launch attack against one island and it's defenses.  Two USN aircraft carriers and support ships were in place for defense along with Midway defenses.
What if? version:  Each side has 14 aircraft carrier fleets apiece and both have an island base for multi-engine bombers.  This makes it mostly even with the most abundant target rich environment possible.

Allied Objectives: Sink 13 Japanese carrier task forces in sector in 13,12 (Blue sector).  Destroy A24 (No Town attached) and sink single carrier group in 13,14 sector.
Axis Objectives: Sink 13 USN carrier task forces in sector in 14,11 (Purple sector).  Destroy A23 (No Town attached) and sink single carrier group in 13,9 sector.

Special Rules:
1) Unlimited Lives
2) Limited radar
3) Aircraft specific to Theater and Country
4) All 28 CV fleets will be kept in containment areas under CM control.
5) All fighter aircraft will have ground ordnance available.
6) Only the B5N2 and TBM are restricted to torpedo use only.  All other payloads will be inactive for those aircraft.
7) All deaths, bails and captures counts as points for the opposing side.  Players who bomb and bail will give points to other side in aircraft losses.
8) A23 is the only VALID airfield target for Axis.  Any ground targets destroyed at other airfields will not have any points rewarded.
9) Players are free to fly all the normally perked aircraft in the Main Arena for FREE in this event.
10) Once an object is destroyed, it is down for entire event.
11) All USN/USMC aircraft will only carry 500 lb bombs or less and or rockets.  TBM is still torpedo only.

Allied Active Fields
A23 (13,9) All Allied aircraft available
C57 (13,9) All Allied aircraft available (twin engine bombers will be single ship only)
C44 through C56 (14,11) All Allied aircraft available (twin engine bombers will be single ship only)

Axis Active Fields
A24 (13,4) All Axis aircraft available
C30 (13,4) All Axis aircraft available (twin engine bombers will be single ship only)
C31 through C43 (13,12) All Axis aircraft available (twin engine bombers will be single ship only)

Aircraft Order of Battle
A6M2 40.00 ENY
A6M3 35.00 ENY
A6M5 20.00 ENY
Ki-43 35.00 ENY
Ki-61 35.00 ENY
Ki-84 20.00 ENY
NIK2-J 8.00 ENY
B5N2 40.00 ENY Torpedo Only
D3A1 40.00 ENY
G4M1 30.00 ENY
Ki-67 30.00 ENY

F4F 40.00 ENY
F4U-1 25.00 ENY
F4U-1A 12.00 ENY
F4U-1C 5.00 ENY
F4U-1D 9.00 ENY
F4U-4 5.00 ENY
F6F-5 12.00 ENY
FM2 25.00 ENY
SBD 30.00 ENY
TBM 35.00 ENY Torpedo Only
B-25C 30.00 ENY
B-26 30.00 ENY

Tier 1 Aircraft
A6M2 - 1 point
A6M3 - 1 point
B-25C - 2 points
B5N2 - 1 point
D3A1 - 1 point
F4F - 1 point
G4M1 - 2 points
Ki-43 - 1 point
Ki-61 - 1 point
SBD - 1 point
TBM - 1 point

Tier 2 Aircraft
A6M5 - 3 points
B-26 - 5 points
F4U-1 - 3 points
FM2 - 3 points
Ki-84 - 3 points
Ki-67 - 5 points

Tier 3 Aircraft
NIK2-J - 10 points
F4U-1A - 10 points
F4U-1C - 15 points
F4U-1D - 15 points
F4U-4 - 15 points
F6F-5 - 10 points

Tier Multiplier (Air to Air)
Tier 3 aircraft shooting down all aircraft will be designated point value only.
Tier 2 aircraft shooting down both Tier 1 and Tier 2 aircraft will be designated point value only. 
Tier 2 aircraft shooting down Tier 3 aircraft will be designated point value times 3.
Tier 1 aircraft shooting down Tier 1 aircraft will be designated point value only. 
Tier 1 aircraft shooting down Tier 2 aircraft will be designated point value times 4.
Tier 1 aircraft shooting down Tier 3 aircraft will be designated point value times 10.

Ground Target Scoring:
Gun - 1 point
Radar - 5 points
Ammo Bunker - 25 points
Fuel Tank - 25 points
Troop Barrack - 25 points
Bomber Hangar - 100 points
Fighter Hangar - 250 points
Vehicle Hangar - 300 points
Destroyer - 500 points
Cruiser - 750 points
Carrier - 1000 points

Tier Multiplier (Air to Ground)
Tier 3 Aircraft destroying ground targets will be designated point value.
Tier 2 Aircraft destroying ground targets will be designated point value times 3.
Tier 1 Aircraft destroying ground targets will be designated point value times 10.
Torpedo aircraft will receive double Tier multiplier for any ship sunk.

Each side will have 14 aircraft carriers, 14 cruisers and 56 destroyers to sink.

Gun - 100 lbs.
Radar - 100 lbs.
Ammo Bunkers - 250 lbs.
Fuel Tanks - 250 lbs.
Troop Barracks - 250 lbs.
All Hangars - 500 lbs.
Destroyers - 1000 lbs.
Cruisers - 1500 lbs.
Carriers - 2000 lbs.

At end of the event, any ground targets not destroyed will be credited to the opposing side at 5 times the designated value.  For the ships, only the whole value of the ship will be awarded with no points for undestroyed guns.

Arena Settings:
Terrain - Marianas
Fuel Burn - 1.0
Ack - .001
Kill Messages - Disabled
Enemy Collisions - ON
Friendly Collisions - OFF
Formations Enabled - ON
Formation Autopilot - ON
Killshooter - ON
Radar Mode - Limited
Radar altitude starts at 2000 ft.
Radar update time will be 150 seconds (2.5 minutes)
Enemy bombers will show as fighters
Mouse over player ID function disabled
Bomber Warning Range - 26,400 (5 miles)
Fighter Warning Range - 26,400 (5 miles)
Tower Warning Range - 52,800 (5 miles)
3 Hour event

Design Intent:
This style event is a mix of both Main Arena play and historical matchups created through Special Events.  There is a loose style created in design to allow for both individual players and squads to conduct their own missions using choice of aircraft.  At the same time, a Side CIC/CO can volunteer and organize with other players and squads to wage a collaborative campaign against the enemy.  This is not a registered event and side forums will not be available.  Planning should be done through other formats available.

The design has incorporated all aircraft available in game for each side.  The Main Arena ENY list is the measuring board for the Early, Mid and Late War planes.  The loose style allows for players and squads to choose any aircraft with no limits.  The design is created to reward players and squads who choose to fly Early or Mid War planes in air to air victories, sinking of ships and destruction of ground targets with greater points to that side. 

The design of the Objectives is to push each side for total annihilation of the other side.  This in turn creates a greater push to defend the ships and airfields.  The ack is set at .001 which translates to an aircraft receiving 1000 hits to equal 1 hit in the main arena.  Flying through 13 carrier groups will not result in a suicide run.  Taking fire from an enemy aircraft will be lethal.  Since the ack is set at .001, there is no need for players to man guns.

For any new players, you will not see your victories and or damage points when landing successfully.  The Special Events Arena has the ability to record the information as logs.  The logs can be found at under the Events Logs tab and then in the Snapshots Log for Massive Midway Madness.  The logs will be posted within a few minutes after the event has ended.  It will be divided between Allied and Axis, squad first by numerical and then alphabetical name and finally by ZZZ squad for those who don't belong to a squad.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2020, 03:15:33 AM »
One week to go.  When the event is over and logs posted.  I will publicly post the Feb 29th Snapshot.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2020, 01:52:26 AM »
SEA2 all set for action in 18 hours!!!!  :salute
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline whiteman

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2020, 01:58:56 AM »
VF-17 getting the rum and Flexall ready for tonight.

Offline turt21

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2020, 07:39:41 AM »
Is ack lethality any different from MA?

Offline TWCAxew

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2020, 07:48:02 AM »
Is ack lethality any different from MA?

Ack is set to 0.001 which does hardly any DMG to your plane. It might look you have huge holes in your plane but really hardly any DMG has been done
DutchVII / ULDutch
~~2019 KOTH/TOC Champion~~
4 time scenario C.O. ~ As dew appears, As dew Vanishes, Such is my life, Everything in this world, Is but a dream within a dream.

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2020, 07:48:26 AM »
VF-17 getting the rum and Flexall ready for tonight.

Is ack lethality any different from MA?

It's set at .001 lethality.  Flying through the CV fleets will not kill you.  Just enemy fighters.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline turt21

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2020, 02:23:37 PM »
Now if we could get formations enabled (on my wishlist) this would be my bird.

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2020, 03:52:28 PM »
Now if we could get formations enabled (on my wishlist) this would be my bird.

Formations are enabled from land bases.  CV takeoffs are limited to single bomber.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2020, 11:13:01 PM »
Logs are posted under Snapshot titled Jan: Massive Midway Mayhem

Thanks to all who flew the event. <S>
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline whiteman

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2020, 02:32:52 AM »
Was fun to have a Pacific setup like this! <S>

Offline Slate

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2020, 10:18:07 AM »
 thanks AKKuya for hosting was a fun advent!  :salute

 I'd say a tactical Victory for the Japanese with more targets destroyed, more damage per sortie.  :rock  But those F4u's a big problem for the Japanese Pilots.  :salute
« Last Edit: January 26, 2020, 10:41:04 AM by Slate »
I always wanted to fight an impossible battle against incredible odds.

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2020, 11:36:23 AM »
We had a great time and everyone was telling me that it was fun for them.  I would like to thank everyone who flew.

2old2fly, AKAvman, AKBmzawy, AKKuya, BangsBox, Blksheep, flats, Guthree, HellBuck, HellsAce, Hombre59, JBud, Lefty59, osmium, pembquit, Razor, Redleg87, Rojo37, Sik1, SKTurt, Slate, Tex01, TKB, unklkurt, Viper66, and Yipi

I knew that this would be a lop sided battle going in with one side beating the other in a landslide (Allied).  Turns out that the winner did out score but in a way not too bad.  Less than 100,000 points.  This event was a little crazy in points awarded but that was part of the fun.

As far as the scoring, the planes lost by not landing or ditching wasn't used in this event due to logs being hard to initially follow.  By the time they were understood, some data was missing in the process of gathering points.  Based on the points awarded in early part of counting, the lost aircraft points would have no effect on the outcome.  Next event will have them included.

VIP (Very Important Pilot) of the event fell to BangsBox who sunk 5 aircraft carriers with a TBM using torpedo's giving the Allied side 100,000 points. Tex01 had the most kills with 15. F4U-1a made the most Allied kills with 14.  Ki-84 made the most Axis kills with 13.  Both Tex01 and AKKuya had the most single sortie killstreak with 6 apiece.

Axis Totals:

Tier 3 Aircraft
N1k2-J (70 total points)
2 B-26 for 10 points
1 TBM for 1 point
54 Guns for 54 points
1 Radar for 5 points

Tier 2 Aircraft
A6M5B (3487 total points)
4 F4U-1A for 120 points
4 F4U-1C for 180 points
1 F4U-4 for 45 points
1 F4F for 1 point
42 Guns for 126 points
1 Radar for 15 points
1 Aircraft carrier for 3000 points

Ki-84 (11,800 total points)
1 F4U-1A for 30 points
1 F4U-1C for 45 points
2 F4U-4 for 90 points
1 F6F for 30 points
2 B-26 for 10 points
1 FM2 for 3 points
1 B-25C for 2 points
1 SBD for 1 point
3 TBM for 3 points
102 Guns for 306 points
2 Radars for 30 points
1 Cruiser for 2250 points
3 Aircraft Carriers for 9000 points

Ki-67 (10,023 total points)
1 F4U-4 for 45 points
71 Guns for 213 points
1 Radar for 15 points
2 Bomber Hangars for 600 points
3 Fighter Hangars for 2250 points
1 vehicle Hangar for 900 points
2 Aircraft carriers for 6000 points

Tier 1 Aircraft
A6M2 (40 total points)
4 Guns for 40 points

B5N2 (33,440 total points)
44 Guns for 440 points
3 Aircraft Carriers for 30,000 points

Ki-43 (10,130 total points)
13 Guns for 130 points
1 Aircraft carrier for 10,000 points

Ki-61 (460 total points)
1 F4U-1A for 100 points
31 Guns for 310 points
1 Radar for 50 points

Undestroyed Axis Ground Targets (195,490 total points)
16 Guns for 90 points
1 radar for 25 points
2 Ammo Bunkers for 250 points
4 Fuel Tanks for 500 points
5 Troop Barracks for 625 points
3 Fighter Hangars for 3750 points
1 Vehicle Hangar for 1500 points
56 Destroyers for 140,000 points
13 Cruisers for 48,750 points

Axis Player Scoreboard

Total Allied Kills
AKKuya - 11
AKAvman - 5
Guthree - 3
Slate - 3
pembquit - 2
2old2fly - 1
HellsAce - 1
Lefty59 - 1
osmium - 1

Best Single Sortie Killstreaks
AKKuya - 6
AKAvman - 3
Guthree - 2
pembquit - 2

Total Guns
AKKuya - 80
Slate - 75
HellBuck - 45
pembquit - 44
JBud - 43
AKAvman - 34
osmium - 19
2old2fly - 7
TKB - 5

Total Radars
Slate - 2
AKKuya - 1
AKAvman - 1
HellBuck - 1
JBud - 1

Total Bomber Hangars
osmium - 2

Total Fighter Hangars
osmium - 3

Total Vehicle Hangars
osmium - 1

Total Cruisers
Slate - 1

Total Aircraft Carriers
pembquit - 3
AKKuya - 2
JBud - 2
AKAvman - 1
osmium - 1
Slate - 1

Axis Total Points

Allied Totals:

Tier 3 Aircraft
F4U-1A (34 total points)
7 A6M5B for 21 points
3 Ki-84 for 9 points
2 B5N2 for 2 points
1 ki-43 for 1 point
1 Ki-61 for 1 point

F4U-1C (777 total points)
1 A6M5B for 3 points
3 Ki-84 for 9 points
1 B5N2 for 1 point
1 G4M1 for 1 point
1 ki-43 for 1 point
12 Guns for 12 points
1 Cruiser for 750 points

F4U-1D (1093 total points)
3 N1K2-J for 30 points
3 A6M5B for 9 points
1 Ki-67 for 5 points
42 Guns for 42 points
1 Radar for 5 points
1 Aircraft Carrier for 1000 points

F6F-5 (1049 total points)
1 N1K2-J for 10 points
34 Guns for 34 points
1 Radar for 5 points
1 Aircraft Carrier for 1000 points

Tier 2 Aircraft
B-26 (12,464 total points)
2 Ki-84 for 6 points
136 Guns for 408 points
3 radars for 45 points
2 Bomber Hangars for 600 points
4 Aircraft Carriers for 12,000 points

F4U-1 (7 total points)
1 A6M5b for 3 points
1 ki-84 for 3 points
1 A6M3 for 1 point

FM2 (3083 total points)
2 Ki-84 for 6 points
1 G4M1 for 2 points
20 Guns for 60 points
1 Radar for 15 points
1 Aircraft Carrier for 3000 points

Tier 1 Aircraft
F4F (23 total points)
1 Ki-67 for 20 points
1 D3A1 for 1 point
1 G4M1 for 2 points

SBD (10,410 total points)
31 Guns for 310 points
2 Radars for 100 points
1 Aircraft Carrier for 10,000 points

TBM (120,502 total points)
1 G4M1 for 2 points
40 Guns for 400 points
2 Radars for 100 points
6 Aircraft Carriers for 120,000 points

Undestroyed Allied Ground Targets (210,240 total points)
16 Guns for 90 points
1 radar for 25 points
2 Ammo Bunkers for 250 points
4 Fuel Tanks for 500 points
5 Troop Barracks for 625 points
56 Destroyers for 140,000 points
13 Cruisers for 48,750 points
4 Aircraft carriers for 20,000 points

Allied Player Scoreboard

Total Axis Kills
Tex01 - 15
Rojo37 - 7
AKBmzawy - 6
Viper66 - 5
AKAvman - 4
Sik1 - 3
Guthree - 2
BangsBox - 1

Best Single Sortie Killstreaks
Tex01 - 6
Rojo37 - 3
Sik! - 3
Viper66 - 3
AKAvman - 2
AKBmzawy - 2
Guthree - 2

Total Guns
AKBmzawy - 96
AKAvman - 58
Tex01 - 53
unklkurt - 44
BangsBox - 28
Blksheep - 12
Rojo37 - 12
SKTurt - 12

Total Radars
AKBmzawy - 2
BangsBox - 2
Tex01 - 2
AKAvman - 1
Blksheep - 1
unklkurt - 1

Total Bomber Hangars
AKBmzawy - 2

Total Cruisers
Rojo37 - 1

Total Aircraft Carriers
BangsBox - 5
AKBmzawy - 3
AKAvman - 2
Tex01 - 2
SKTurt - 1
unklkurt - 1

Total Allied Points
360,272 - WINNER

April 25th will be the next scheduled Midway event.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2020, 11:38:04 AM »
Was fun to have a Pacific setup like this! <S>

thanks AKKuya for hosting was a fun advent!  :salute

 I'd say a tactical Victory for the Japanese with more targets destroyed, more damage per sortie.  :rock  But those F4u's a big problem for the Japanese Pilots.  :salute

Thanks for letting the public know.   :salute
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Revised Snapshot Massive Midway Madness
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2020, 12:08:54 PM »
I was not able to attend even though I like the PTO. The main thing is the fun factor..... win, lose or draw.

Maybe next time.
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