I Would like to have some additional control over Analog "Wait for User Feedback At the End" events.
The event "Pause for User Event" already has Roll(Aileron), Pitch(Elevator) and Yaw(Rudder) listed as events under the analog. As it stands now the event listener looks for a movement on each events axis. It doesn't differentiate the direction of movement and makes adding "moving the mouse left rolls the aircraft left. Now you try it!" events kind of pointless at the moment.
Perhaps adding the left and right counter parts for each of them as a separate event item would work the best.
Below are the values for the various input requirements (As noted from the "Options, Controls, Map controllers" list on the ClipBoard.
Roll: Centered: = 32767
Roll Left: < 32767
Roll Right: > 32767
Pitch Centered: = 32767
Pitch Down: < 32767
Pitch Up: > 32767
Yaw Centered: = S key
Yaw Left: = A key
Yaw Right: = D key
(Below = joystick controls only)
Yaw Centered: =32767
Yaw Left: <32767
Yaw Right: >32767