Author Topic: FSO Setup CMs Needed  (Read 628 times)

Offline AKKuya

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FSO Setup CMs Needed
« on: January 28, 2020, 10:28:40 AM »
For those who would like to submit an application, send a PM to Spikes for the application.  It won't hurt at all.  For those who might think this is a hard thing to do, I wrote up a check list for what you would be doing.  Print out the list and we can walk you through the process.  You will see how easy it is after a little knowledge and training.

The setup CM is responsible for getting the arena setup that the Admin CM designed for a particular event.  This process typically takes an hour or little longer depending on what needs to be done.  The Admin CM emails out the Objectives with the personalized settings needed.

This is a step by step tutorial for anyone who would like to become a Setup CM.  You can practice this Offline or in a Custom Arena.  It's recommended that you print out these instructions on hard copy beforehand.

1) Selecting a Terrain
A) Offline
- Start Aces High on desktop icon
- Click Choose Terrain on first screen clipboard
- Scroll through listed Terrains accompanied by visual maps
- Select desired Terrain by clicking the Terrain
- Click OK tab
- Click Offline Practice and Terrain will be ready to go
B) Custom Arena
- Start Aces High on desktop icon
- Click Online Arenas
- Click Tab marked Player in top part of screen
- Click Create Arena tab at lower part of screen
- Click drop down menu in Terrain box
- Scroll through listed Terrains
- Select desired Terrain by clicking the Terrain
- Click the Create tab and Terrain will be ready to go
C)Special Events Arena (When you get CM privilege's)
- Start Aces High on desktop icon
- Click Online Arenas
- Click Events tab in top of screen
- DoubleClick a desired Special Events Arena
- Click Options > Arena Setup > Environment > Change Terrain
- Scroll through listed Terrains accompanied by visual maps
- Select desired Terrain by clicking the Terrain
- Click OK tab and this will reboot the Arena plus kickking you out in less than 5 seconds

2) Remove any pre-selected aircraft from all Airfields
- Offline, Custom or Special Events type .dplane 0 0 (0 is Zero)

3) Create Arena Table (allows you to save your progress as you go) requires CM privilege's
- Click Options > Arena Settings > CM Tools > Arena Tables
- Click Create Table
- Table name prefix - remove your playerID and type in name of arena table (ex. MarchFSO)
- password - type in your playerID
- re-enter password - repeat
- click OK and table is set

4)Settings (Click Options > Arena Setup > Environment > Arena Settings)
A)General Tab (DoubleClick each setting to open up window box)
- Achievement Flags - Value is 0 all boxes are unchecked
- Arena Flags - Only Protect Objects, Killshooter, Perk points Disabled, Ditched Scores kills, Flight Reconnect Enabled, Disable GameID Mouseover are checked
- BadWordFilterCnt - Value is 0
- BaseCountryPer - Don't touch
- CommFlags - Don't touch
- CountryBalanceScale - Value is 1.6 always
- CountryFlagsBishop - Value 2 for Closed Flight/ Value 3 is for open Flight
- CountryFlagsKnight - Value 2 for Closed Flight/ Value 3 is for open Flight
- CountryFlagsRook - Value 2 for Closed Flight/ Value 3 is for open Flight
- DeathMaxCnt - Value at 0
- DownTimeMult - Value is 200
- Drone Settings - Don't touch
- EnemyFieldPer - Value is 1000
- EnemymidairsOn - Value is 1
- ExitWhileMoving - Only Chute, Gunner, and Joined Gunner are checked
- FlightModeFlags - Only Formations Enabled, Use WW2 Planes, and Auto Calibrate Bomb Sight (Admin CM may have specific settings for bomb sight)
- FriendlyFieldPer - Value is 1000
- FriendlyMidAirsOn - Value is 0
- FuelBurnrateMult - Value is 1.0 or specific Admin design
- Match Settings - Don't touch
- MinBalTotal - Don't touch
- MinEnyValue - Value is 0
- MissionPopulateFlags to StratFlags - Don't touch
- TaskGroupCommandCnt - Value 0 is CM control, Value 1 is Player control
- TowndownForCapturePer - Don;t touch
- ViewModeflags - External Bomber checked only
B) Ranges Tab (DoubleClick each setting to open up window box)
- BoatWarningRange - Don't touch unless Admin Cm has specific setting
- BomberWarningrange - based on Admin setup
- EnemyLowIconRangeMult - Value is 1.0
- FighterWarningRange - based on Admin setup
- Flak Settings - Don't touch
- Fog settings - Based on MA settings or Admin setup
- FriendlyIconRange - Value is 9000
- FullIconRange - 2400 or Admin setup
- ManeuverKillrange - Don't touch
- Match Settings - Don't touch
- Observer settings - Value is 9000
- PlaneSeenIconRange Settings - Value is 9000
- RadarAlt - Value is 0 or Admin setup
- RadarModeBish - Only check Disable Enemy Counters and Disable friendly Counters or Admin setup
- RadarModeKnight - Only check Disable Enemy Counters and Disable friendly Counters or Admin setup
- RadarModeRook - Only check Disable Enemy Counters and Disable friendly Counters or Admin setup
- RadarUpdaterate - Value 0 to 300 (300 is 300 seconds or 5 minutes)
- RangeChannelrange - Don't touch
- SectorCounterAlt - Value is 250
- SectorCounterrange - Same as Fighter and Bomber Warning Range
- StoppedIconRangeMult - Value is 1.0
- TowerBasedRadarRange - Same as Fighter and Bomber Warning Range
- Vehicle Settings - Don't touch
- WarningFlagsBish - Only check Fighters and Bombers
- WarningFlagsKnight - Only check Fighters and Bombers
- WarningFlagsRook - - Only check Fighters and Bombers
C) Weapons (DoubleClick each setting to open up window box)
- GroundAutoLethality (top 3 settings) - Value is .30 or Admin setup
- Rest of settings - Don't touch
D) Hardness (DoubleClick each setting to open up window box)
- Don't touch
E) Time (DoubleClick each setting to open up window box)
- Admin setup has specific setup time (April 8th, 1943)
- Day
- Month
- Year

5) Changing Fields
- Click Options > Arena Setup > Fields
- Select a Field from left window box scroll list
- Select Bishop, Knight or Rook from Current Country box

6) Enabling Aircraft
- Click Options > Arena Setup > Fields
- Select aircraft from middle clipboard scroll list
- Click Enable Plane from left window box

7) Disable Weapons
- Click Options > Arena Settings > CM Tools > Weapons
- Select aircraft from scroll list
- Select Internal, External, Wing point, etc...
- Select weapon
- Click Disable Weapon and weapon will be in red letters

8) Object Hardness
- Click Options > Arena Settings > Objects > Object Settings
- Select from scroll list a specific object
- Value is 1.0 for 1000 lbs. of ordnance
- Shape Settings will have Battleship, Cruiser, and Carrier

- Click Options > Arena Settings > CM Tools > MOTD
- type in labeled text document (defaultMOTD.txt)
- click Upload
- Aces High folder will have a MOTD folder for placing your text documents

10) Wind
- Click Options > Arena Setup > Environment > Winds
- Wind layers are set at 2000 ft intervals
- Click a layer and select wind speed and direction
- Options for updrafts and downdrafts
- Takes a little time in playing with the settings

11) Country Reset
- Click Options > Arena Setup > Environment > Country Reset
- Used when moving Bishop, Knight and Rook locations around the map

12) Task Group Jump
- Click Task Group on clipboard
- Select Task Group
- Right click a course under 100 miles
- Click Submit
- Click Options > Arena Setup > Environment > Task Group Jump
- Click same Task Group
- Click OK
- Repeat for further distance and location
- Repeat for any other Task Group

13) Time Clock
- Adjust when entering arena 1 to 2 hours before event
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline perdue3

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Re: FSO Setup CMs Needed
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2020, 06:12:24 PM »
Don't be afraid of this huge blue wall of text, it is simple and we need help to continue the event. Even if you know nothing about arena settings, it is okay we can help you. We just need extra bodies to keep the ship afloat. Please PM Kuya if you are interested in helping out.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny


Offline FBDragon

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Re: FSO Setup CMs Needed
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2020, 04:13:42 PM »
Trust me if I can do ANYBODY can!! When it come to computers I'm stupid lol!!!!
 :salute :cheers:
Kommando Nowotny
To Win The Winter Sky
Gl 1/Jg 11

Offline AKKuya

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Re: FSO Setup CMs Needed
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2020, 06:16:00 PM »
Positions still available.  PM Spikes.

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?