Author Topic: Dark Man Cometh???  (Read 164122 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1050 on: March 16, 2020, 04:59:31 PM »
Hmmmm.  Doesn't look like it will be all over by end of March.

Major stock averages fell toward their morning lows after President Donald Trump said the worst of the outbreak could last until August.

Of course he is still wrong.  The second, more virulent wave will be starting starting to gain speed Sept, Oct, Nov. through to next Spring. 

We'll at least be seeing some light at the end of the tunnel by next Spring with word of a possibly impending vaccine.  It's going to be a tough year.


« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 05:12:29 PM by CptTrips »
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1051 on: March 16, 2020, 05:16:03 PM »

My company just had a team lunch last week and got all mad at me because I chose not to go.  Hope they didn't bring home more than left-overs.
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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1052 on: March 16, 2020, 05:36:48 PM »
Best wishes to your nephew, Firetech.

Offline Busher

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1053 on: March 16, 2020, 05:49:40 PM »
Firetech, your nephew is in my prayers.
Being male, an accident of birth. Being a man, a matter of age. Being a gentleman, a matter of choice.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1054 on: March 16, 2020, 06:01:01 PM »
Taken from a source I follow.

"Good information.

From a young researcher who had been transferred from Shenzhen to Wuhan to collaborate with the task force that is fighting the coronavirus epidemic, we receive and willingly transmit to all of this clear, simple and accessible information, which describe exactly what it is. the virus, how it transfers from one person to another and how it can be neutralized in everyday life.

Corona virus infection does not cause a cold with a dripping nose or catarrhal cough, but a dry and dry cough: this is the easiest thing to know.

The virus does not resist heat and dies if exposed to temperatures of 26-27 degrees: therefore often consume hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea and broth during the day, or simply hot water: hot liquids neutralize the virus and it is not difficult to drink them. Avoid drinking ice water or eating ice cubes or snow for those in the mountains (children)!

For those who can do it, expose yourself to the sun!

The virus crown is quite large (diameter about 400-500 nanometers), therefore any type of mask can stop it: in normal life, special masks are not needed.
On the other hand, the situation is different for doctors and health professionals who are exposed to heavy virus loads and have to use special equipment.

If an infected person sneezes in front of you, three meters away they will drop the virus on the ground and prevent it from landing on you.

When the virus is found on metal surfaces, it survives for about 12 hours. So when you touch metal surfaces such as handles, doors, appliances, supports on trams, etc., wash your hands well and disinfect them carefully.

The virus can live nested in clothes and fabrics for about 6/12 hours: normal detergents can kill it. For clothes that cannot be washed every day, if you can expose them to the sun and the virus will die.

How it manifests itself:

The virus first installs itself in the throat, causing inflammation and a dry throat sensation: this symptom can last for 3/4 days.

the virus travels through the humidity present in the airways, descends into the trachea and installs in the lung, causing pneumonia. This step takes about 5/6 days.

Pneumonia occurs with high fever and difficulty breathing, it is not accompanied by the classic cold. But you may have the feeling of drowning. In this case, contact your doctor immediately.

How can you avoid it:

Virus transmission occurs mostly by direct contact, touching tissues or materials on which the virus is present: washing hands frequently is essential.
The virus only survives on your hands for about ten minutes, but in ten minutes many things can happen: rub your eyes or scratch your nose for example, and allow the virus to enter your throat ...

So, for your own good and for the good of others, wash your hands very often and disinfect them!

You can gargle with a disinfectant solution that eliminates or minimizes the amount of virus that could enter your throat: in doing so, you eliminate it before it goes down into the trachea and then into the lungs.

disinfect the PC keyboard and mobile phones

The new coronavirus NCP * may not show signs of infection for many days, * before which it cannot be known if a person is infected. But by the time you have a fever and / or cough and go to the hospital, your lungs are usually already in 50% fibrosis and it's too late!

Taiwanese experts suggest doing a simple check that we can do on our own every morning:

Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you successfully complete it without coughing, without discomfort, a sense of oppression, etc., this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating essentially no infection.

In such critical times, do this check every morning in a clean air environment!

These are serious and excellent advice from Japanese doctors who treat COVID-19 cases. Everyone should make sure that their mouth and throat are moist, never DRY. Drink a few sips of water at least every 15 minutes. WHY? Even if the virus gets into your mouth ... water or other liquids will sweep it away through the esophagus and into the stomach. Once in the belly ... Gastric acid in the stomach will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly ... the virus can get into your trumpets and lungs. It is very dangerous.

Share this information with your family, friends and acquaintances, for * solidarity and civic sense * !!!!

Information received by email from Bob & Margaret. Highly respected leaders in our community.

Thanks Bob & Margaret :)"
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1055 on: March 16, 2020, 06:15:45 PM »
Perhaps.  Since you are an obnoxious troll, I'm not putting too much effort into reading your posts.

Frankly, your signal to noise ratio is to low to bother with.  Welcome to the Ignore List.

Buh bye. 

P.S. Wave hi to Shuffler and DmonSlyr when you get there.
Troll? I dont think so. I base my posts on known facts.
 unlike your moving the goal posts You say you claimed 1%? Your a liar
You were the one claiming we might all be dead
 Now I see you changed your numbers again
You seem to be the troll. with your doom and gloom trying to tell people they need to stock up for 3 months nonsense
As for the people I trust. Not QAnon. More like I have a son currently actively working on this with the Dept of Homeland Security and FEMA. Hes in a slightly better position to know whats going on then you
Two discriptions to describe you
Anal Orifice. and poser.
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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1056 on: March 16, 2020, 06:24:31 PM »
Such a grandstanding clown.

Typical of leftest morons today.

I don't believe anything this guy says. All he promotes is MSM fear.

CptTrips IQ could be a sleep number.

Rational thought is not within his genetic makeup
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Ask those who have been before you
What fate the future holds
It ain't pretty

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1057 on: March 16, 2020, 06:42:25 PM »
Still, everything you can do helps bend that curve a little, but I don't see how we realistically don't get to 50% infection rate over the next year.

I'm guessing our CFR will be closer to 2%.  The two co-morbidity factors that are starting to jump out are age over 50 and (oddly)obesity.  Comparing Fried Chicken-Eating Boomer America to S. Korea, I'm expecting worse outcomes.  But not as bad as chain-smoking China.  ;)
So yeah, do the math from there.

Interestingly Goldman Sachs is also internally projecting 50% infection rate and 2% CFR.
They think there is going to be market recovery second half of 2020.  Not sure I'm convinced of that.  I think we'll get round two when things start cooling off in Sept.

I bet that document getting out is a bit embarrassing.  :rofl

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1058 on: March 16, 2020, 06:44:20 PM »
Taken from a source I follow.

"Good information.

From a young researcher who had been transferred from Shenzhen to Wuhan to collaborate with the task force that is fighting the coronavirus epidemic, we receive and willingly transmit to all of this clear, simple and accessible information, which describe exactly what it is. the virus, how it transfers from one person to another and how it can be neutralized in everyday life.

Corona virus infection does not cause a cold with a dripping nose or catarrhal cough, but a dry and dry cough: this is the easiest thing to know.

The virus does not resist heat and dies if exposed to temperatures of 26-27 degrees: therefore often consume hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea and broth during the day, or simply hot water: hot liquids neutralize the virus and it is not difficult to drink them. Avoid drinking ice water or eating ice cubes or snow for those in the mountains (children)!

For those who can do it, expose yourself to the sun!

The virus crown is quite large (diameter about 400-500 nanometers), therefore any type of mask can stop it: in normal life, special masks are not needed.
On the other hand, the situation is different for doctors and health professionals who are exposed to heavy virus loads and have to use special equipment.

If an infected person sneezes in front of you, three meters away they will drop the virus on the ground and prevent it from landing on you.

When the virus is found on metal surfaces, it survives for about 12 hours. So when you touch metal surfaces such as handles, doors, appliances, supports on trams, etc., wash your hands well and disinfect them carefully.

The virus can live nested in clothes and fabrics for about 6/12 hours: normal detergents can kill it. For clothes that cannot be washed every day, if you can expose them to the sun and the virus will die.

How it manifests itself:

The virus first installs itself in the throat, causing inflammation and a dry throat sensation: this symptom can last for 3/4 days.

the virus travels through the humidity present in the airways, descends into the trachea and installs in the lung, causing pneumonia. This step takes about 5/6 days.

Pneumonia occurs with high fever and difficulty breathing, it is not accompanied by the classic cold. But you may have the feeling of drowning. In this case, contact your doctor immediately.

How can you avoid it:

Virus transmission occurs mostly by direct contact, touching tissues or materials on which the virus is present: washing hands frequently is essential.
The virus only survives on your hands for about ten minutes, but in ten minutes many things can happen: rub your eyes or scratch your nose for example, and allow the virus to enter your throat ...

So, for your own good and for the good of others, wash your hands very often and disinfect them!

You can gargle with a disinfectant solution that eliminates or minimizes the amount of virus that could enter your throat: in doing so, you eliminate it before it goes down into the trachea and then into the lungs.


Appreciate this info


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Offline Arlo

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1059 on: March 16, 2020, 06:44:54 PM »
Taken from a source I follow.

Thank you for the disclaimer. Please include that in all your posts.

Offline SysError

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1060 on: March 16, 2020, 07:03:35 PM »

If you don't mind, what were they actually going through while sick? Aches, Pains, Temperature. Cough?

Glad to hear that their better!


I held back on the flood of questions I had for them, I can get quite prosecutorial in my demeanor with the kids and my wife is constantly “kicking me under the table” in these types of circumstances.  And I could tell that the fact that they were only now telling us what had happened to them was a source of some discomfort on our daughter’s part – so I didn’t want to make an issue out of it.

So what we know is mostly what they volunteered to us.  I am sure that we will find out more later.

They had aches, coughs and fevers, although our daughter had milder symptoms.  As far as I know, they didn’t get nauseated, get diarrhea, or have bad shortness of breath issues.  (BTW, I am not even sure if diarrhea is one the symptoms of this thing, but it is hard to tell with all the TP shortages).

Right now, I do not know how high their temperatures got.

They just described it as feeling like one hell of a flu.

As I said before, they are young and ultra-fit.  I am just surprised that our daughter got the lighter treatment in all of this because of the two, I would have ranked her second on a fitness scale.  I clearly know nothing of what matters in these sort of circumstances.

Reviewing my replay, I could have just said, I don’t have anything to add to what I said originally.   


Dante's Crew

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1061 on: March 16, 2020, 07:04:41 PM »
Hopefully it does turn out to be nothing/mild for most.


Dante's Crew

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1062 on: March 16, 2020, 07:11:17 PM »

Thanks though, at this point in the whole thing with so much mis information, its good to get whatever direct info that we can

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1063 on: March 16, 2020, 07:11:33 PM »

When the virus is found on metal surfaces, it survives for about 12 hours. So when you touch metal surfaces such as handles, doors, appliances, supports on trams, etc., wash your hands well and disinfect them carefully.


WHO says virus stays "alive":
~ 3 hours in an aerosolized form in some cases.
~ 24 hours of soft surfaces  - i.e. cardboard
~ 48-72 hours on hard surfaces.

Heat and light tend to shorten its life.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 07:14:28 PM by SysError »

Dante's Crew

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1064 on: March 16, 2020, 08:18:28 PM »
See rule #14
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 02:26:05 PM by hitech »
The Damned(est. 1988)
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