Author Topic: Dark Man Cometh???  (Read 161539 times)

Offline FLS

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1545 on: March 24, 2020, 08:17:31 PM »
Houston Chronicle now shows Harris County at 78 cases with 1 death.

Even with the restrictions in place, cases in the US have more than doubled in last 3 days.  I was hoping we’d see the curve flatten at least a little but no evidence of that yet.

Increased testing will drive the numbers up a lot. Look for a decrease in CTR.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1546 on: March 24, 2020, 08:34:02 PM »
Yes 27 actual known real people. Out of almost 5 million actual real people.

200,000 may have heart problems...... but that is not important. Let's concentrate on those 27.

27 known real people tested and confirmed. Everyone they interacted with are potential vectors. Contagious diseases aren't your thing, are they?

Offline Busher

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1547 on: March 24, 2020, 09:13:45 PM »
27 known real people tested and confirmed. Everyone they interacted with are potential vectors. Contagious diseases aren't your thing, are they?

Seems we can soon relax. Headlines in my area say Trump is getting irritated with Dr. Fauci correcting his every statement. What could a world renowned immunologist know anyway?
So sources suggest Doc Fauci might get his pink slip soon so that Donnie (sorry; I meant the Commander-in-Tweet) can keep us safe without interruption. :rolleyes:
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Offline FLS

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1548 on: March 24, 2020, 09:30:21 PM »
Headlines are all you need to be well informed. That's why the NY Times recently changed a headline 3 times for the same virus stimulus story. The first two were too honest.   :devil

Also this.  Dr Fauci tells WMAL radio in DC the attempt to sow division between him and the President "is unfortunate. I wish that would stop because we have a much bigger problem here than trying to point out differences. There really fundamentally at the core are not differences."
« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 10:05:51 PM by FLS »

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1549 on: March 24, 2020, 09:31:48 PM »
27 known real people tested and confirmed. Everyone they interacted with are potential vectors. Contagious diseases aren't your thing, are they?

He doesn't understand exponential growth.  I'd hate to see his investments.  ;)

And he believes in magic.  When someone walks down the hall and turns a corner, he thinks they cease to exist because he is not directly seeing them anymore.  If it is not directly in front of him, then it's a hoax and doesn't exist.


Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.


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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1550 on: March 24, 2020, 09:36:38 PM »
well on the bright side looks like panic buying is slowing down.  stores still have no returns policy.  but i saw shelves back up full.  few people inside.  lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. only thing missing is toilet paper and hand sanitizer.


Seeing the same thing here Everything back to full stock but for the items you mention.
We were never at risk of running out of food anyway as we are a leading food producer nation.
Kinda made me proud at the store today seeing how full everything was again that we live in a nation capable of such things.
Another nice thins is the stores couldn't possibly be safer to go into so long as you aren't there early morning when many are opening for seniors only for an hour.
Shoppers are pretty sparse and here the stores are having an employee greet you with disinfecting wipes. Everyone is maintaining distance and its never been easier to shop. Though I am still amused by how many wear masks wrong.
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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1551 on: March 24, 2020, 09:57:33 PM »
Might wanna think about spraying your mail with bleach water too..
And any deliveries like UPS FEDEX etc etc..

My Sister just called, my Nephew works for UPS, he says they are all getting sick!  :uhoh
Pretty much Guarantees that the packages are contaminated..
Remember. Tis the season still for all sorts of bugs. Thats part of the problem

However Studies such as one done by UCLA are showing that Corona virus is detectable for up to three hours in aerosols, up to four hours on copper up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.
However. "aerosols" are considered to be primarily from certain surgical procedures. Sneezing is not one of the symptoms of COVID-19.
 The primary signs of COVID-19 are fever and a dry cough

If you are that unsure. Or just want to play it safe. Mist or wipe it down with a disinfecting solution and let air dry. Or simply let your package sit for a few days before handling.
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1552 on: March 24, 2020, 10:00:49 PM »
News you can use:

And to while away the hours, teach your children how to make these beverages.

Then teach them how to use their iPads to video the family after a day of making these beverages.

Always here to help.

- oldman

Offline SysError

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1553 on: March 25, 2020, 05:02:25 AM »
I just listened to a podcast series on Covid-19.  I highly recommend that you listen to these.  Below are some links:

Covid-19: how long can it survive outside the body?

Covid-19: how effective is social distancing?

Covid-19: why are there different fatality rates?

Covid-19: what happens once someone is infected? Science Weekly Extra

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Offline Hajo

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1554 on: March 25, 2020, 06:46:54 AM »
In NE Ohio and western Pa.  there is a large grocery chain named Giant Eagle.  On Mon. Tues. and Weds. they open at 6AM for folks over 65.  I went this morning and found all I needed as opposed to going to the store at 1PM and find even Bush's Baked Beans were gone. Of course I had to get up at 5:15AM but am thankful that this policy was instituted.  Only us old geezers were there.  I also appreciate EMS, Fire and Police and Healthcare workers for staying on the job.

Remember this.  Whatever happens will happen.  Be cautious and use common sense.  Common sense means to not worry, be cautious and protect the family.  That is all we can do along with praying for our families and the rest of the world.  We have little control over what we can do.  But do all you can to stay safe and protect your family.  If you're going to panic over something you can't control you're totally worthless.
- The Flying Circus -

Offline icepac

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1555 on: March 25, 2020, 06:57:37 AM »
Cool... money for obamaphones and  an orchestra is really going to help with this virus.

Only cost us about $10,000 each. That is those of us paying taxes.

I think the money is for otamatones which are only $30 and far more useful.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1556 on: March 25, 2020, 07:18:34 AM »
heart problems aren't contagious.  27 people can make well over 200k in a couple of months.


Ok so some do not care about more people actually dieing.
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Offline OldNitro

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1557 on: March 25, 2020, 07:26:41 AM »
What amazes me most, is how poorly disciplined people are.. Really, I always knew, but to see it displayed so clearly is fascinating.. Can't even stay at home for a couple weeks or a month without having a conniption fit.. I dunno, what do ya do with Plague Rats, when they have 2 legs???

Thing is, some people are doing the responsible thing, but others are not.. So the isolation will need to be LONGER and LONGER.. Because of the carriers still out there, the infection cycle continues.. Idiots are just gonna drag it out until it screws up everything.. (insert facepalm emoji)

All this info now on the MSM, has been out there for weeks.. If MSM is your source of info, then you are WAY behind the ball.. There are a few cases out here on the Peninsula now, even tho we are a long way from the metroplex.. I tell people, with the way this spreads with no symptoms, when they find a few, it means thousands more are spreading it, undetected.. As it is now, it is Guaranteed to get worse.. Thinking it will be over by Easter is delusional.. And the numbers keep climbing..

We have been self isolated since the 6th.. Have been spraying our mail/deliveries with bleach water since well before that.. Not hard, I bring it in, lay it out on the shop floor, spray it with a 5% bleach solution from a spray bottle, then disinfect my hands.. Let it sit over night, and you are GTG..

Watch out for plague rats!

Offline FLS

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1558 on: March 25, 2020, 08:41:51 AM »
Ok so some do not care about more people actually dieing.

You are missing the point by looking at outcomes only and not causes. Things like heart disease are mostly self-inflicted by choices people keep making over long periods of time. That's very different from an infectious disease that spreads from people without symptoms and that nobody has immunity to because it's a new virus.

What you need to do to prevent heart disease is already known and you've heard about it for years. It's not an emergency that's likely to overwhelm our healthcare system.

The reason only 800 are dead so far in the US is because we are at the beginning of this epidemic. The rapid response may be enough to mitigate it despite so many people not taking it seriously.  In another week it should be clear to everybody that this is a serious problem.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1559 on: March 25, 2020, 08:54:39 AM »
2 WEEKS!!!!
 :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid

Hope yall are well.  Help how you can!
And Stay off my Lawn!  :old: :old: :old: :old: :old: :old: :old: :old:

Peace, love, Stay Safe!

  :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh :uhoh