Author Topic: ME: Navigation Helper Items placement and other stuff  (Read 579 times)

Offline Ciaphas

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ME: Navigation Helper Items placement and other stuff
« on: January 29, 2020, 01:16:31 PM »
 I set a mission up to test the Navigation Helpers (Arrows, -/+ throttle helpers) and this is what I noticed and the changes that I'm hoping for.

** you will have to reference the attached image matching index numbered items. **

Items 1 and 2: Remove navigation information from the chat buffer and place the information in the area of Item 1 (Upper Left corner of screen). Moving your eyes to the bottom of the screen is a distraction and can throw off situational awareness.

Item 3. This block is where I think the navigation arrows and speed slow or speed high markers should be placed. It's in the center of the screen and spread out enough as to not appear cluttered when triggered.

*** The arrows should be a solid color like the dark red I have used, so it alerts the pilot in a warning like fashion. ***

All of the nav helpers are very unforgiving when you stray off course. There should be a dead zone around the way point that will not trigger the Nav Helpers, maybe base it on a certain  distance from the waypoint on either the left or the right.

The throttle should have a dead zone of around 20 mph above and below the target aircraft speed before the pilot is alerted to the speed error. (IE.. target speed: 250 +/- 20 and anything above or below that triggers the over/under speed -/+ symbols.

One more thing: When restarting the mission, the solo flight is ignored and wingmen are spawned with you.

Current Navigation layout:

Proposed Navigation Layout

10.(Jabo)/JG 26 Nuisance Raids Scenario