First, thanks AKWabbit, your BMP converter ended many hours of frustration trying to get a terrain file to work. I think Ogre's was overloading my poor cpu heheh. I tried 3 different times using terrains using the S&D mapmaker, but everytime i went to use it in H2H, i got dumped to desktop right after the login/pword screen. (i don't know if this is an overload of my system or what) but when i used AKWabbits terrain converter and his test map, it worked fine and i flew a bit.
Yay! Now, i've got the hang of making the terrain and placing the objects, on to the clipboard map. I have a 512x512 version of my map, but have no idea how to accurately cut it into quadrants for the individual sectors. Am i misinterpreting how this is done? or does anyone know of any good programs that will let you split bmp's into halves/quarters? or am i being to exact and just use the MK 1. Eyeball to cut it up? Any help would be greatly appreciated, i got a map of okinawa itching for me to finish

Oh, my other question, after i import a terrain from AKWabbits tool, or the S&D tool, is there any way to see what the elevation of a vertice is? (real world maps are not always cooperative in making "flat" sectors for airfield/factory etc. placement) Or again should i MK 1. Eyeball it?

Thanks in advance!
<===<The ASSASSINS>===>[This message has been edited by Hamish (edited 08-11-2000).]