Author Topic: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?  (Read 6358 times)

Offline FLS

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2020, 09:38:21 AM »
We have kill shooter and no friendly collisions instead of safety ratings.  :aok

Also, as a Private Pilot with a lot of hours in small aircraft I constantly marvel at the realism of the flight behavior of the various aircraft in AH.   :salute

Ever try formation aerobatics in AH? 

If you click my youtube link you'll see some solo airshow videos.

Offline hitech

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2020, 10:34:20 AM »
6. Complete immunity to getting hit by "friendly fire" from automatic anti-aircraft guns.

Really? Was WWII AA fire that good? I think that any manned guns can accidentally shoot down a friendly as can a fighter. But ISTM that the auto AA is too often used as an artificial safety blanket. Shouldn't there at least be some probability, perhaps on the small side, of getting hit by your own field's AA fire?

Auto Guns also damage friendlies.


Offline Arlo

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2020, 10:48:32 AM »
Auto Guns also damage friendlies.


Ok, so it wasn't my faulty memory/imagination that the CV aaa sometimes hit me when trying to take off.

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2020, 10:56:57 AM »
1. Auto takeoff

Take off in a tail wheel in game with out any con sessions is much harder then in real life. I have about 2k tail wheel hours. Other here do as wheel. In AH you get no seat of the pants feed back that is your primary sensor when flying tail wheel, or any aircraft when keeping the ball centered.

2nd why do you wish to make something that has almost 0 game play impact and remove it from players. After having taken off 1000's of time in game do you really think it adds fun for most people to have to do it manually? You may enjoy it, but for many people it would be nothing but an added nuisance.

2. Combat trim
Trim is a system that can not be simulated accurately with spring return to center controls like we use. With real controls you simply hold them where you want and move trim until there is no force left on the control. With spring return game controllers you must move stick and trim at the same time.

Many people seem to not understand how combat trim works. It is a simple table that at speed X trim position is set to y.

And you have not even started thinking about all the different controls users have from a mouse to full rudder pedals and hotas with knobs that can adjust trim.

3. HUD for for what should be read from one's own instruments like airspeed and altitude

The SA that the hud gives you is simply to assist in the loss of SA from flying on a flat computer screen. Flying vertical in real life does not take much to learn. Flying vertical in AH with out the hud is a PITA.

Now for your question, AH is a simulation who's primary purpose is to create a fun game that  simulates WWII combat. Many skills learned in AH translate directly to the real world.


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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2020, 10:59:23 AM »
Ok, so it wasn't my faulty memory/imagination that the CV aaa sometimes hit me when trying to take off.
That is the one case where were made a change that the AA will not hit you if your wheels are on the CV deck. The change was made after many complaints about dying on take off.


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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2020, 11:10:39 AM »
That is the one case where were made a change that the AA will not hit you if your wheels are on the CV deck. The change was made after many complaints about dying on take off.


Thank you.  :aok

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #51 on: February 03, 2020, 01:00:40 PM »
.... In AH you get no seat of the pants feed back that is your primary sensor when flying tail wheel, or any aircraft when keeping the ball centered.

You could change that with support for motion platforms. They list the supported games in the software so it would also be advertising.  It really makes VR flying and driving more fun.

Offline dbh

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #52 on: February 03, 2020, 02:08:33 PM »
<snip>In AH you get no seat of the pants feed back ...

<snip>You may enjoy it, but for many people it would be nothing but an added nuisance.

Many people seem to not understand how combat trim works. <snip>

The SA that the hud gives you is simply to assist in the loss of SA from flying on a flat computer screen. <snip>

Great answers from the master. Thank you very much for taking the time to provide this.

Now for your question, AH is a simulation who's primary purpose is to create a fun game that  simulates WWII combat. Many skills learned in AH translate directly to the real world.

I agree completely and regret the confrontational subject title I used in my post.

Aces High succeeds spectacularly in its design goal. I started off using another WWII combat flight sim years ago whose name I won't mention (but it featured a lot of the IL2 planes  :D).  That sim pales in comparison to AH.

I enjoy the AH simulator immensely and will continue to use it for many more years.   :salute

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #53 on: February 03, 2020, 02:52:46 PM »
You could change that with support for motion platforms. They list the supported games in the software so it would also be advertising.  It really makes VR flying and driving more fun.

Yeah, but I can't afford motion platform or VR. So I'm stuck with my flat computer screen.
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2020, 02:54:49 PM »
Yeah, but I can't afford motion platform or VR. So I'm stuck with my flat computer screen.

Have your wife clean the back of the monitor while you fly.
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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2020, 05:44:14 PM »
Yeah, but I can't afford motion platform or VR. So I'm stuck with my flat computer screen.

You're saying it would only target the demographic of serious flight simmers with money to spend on their hobby?  :aok

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2020, 06:20:41 PM »
You're saying it would only target the demographic of serious flight simmers with money to spend on their hobby?  :aok

Yeah, but what about us that are serious flight simmers, but are disabled and are on fixed income and are stuck with our inability to have the luxury to blow money on 3D, VR and/or TrackIR or some new motion platform thingamajig....

Maybe I misinturpeted your post, but it looks/reads as driving those without the ability to keep up with the 1%'ers out of the game.....from a financial view
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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2020, 06:51:00 PM »
If you read it carefully you'll see that it's just a response to a point HiTech made about 'seat of pants' flying plus the idea that people with motion sims who typically won't sweat the subscription cost will see Aces High listed in the software manager.

It might also reduce motion sickness in VR.  :D

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #58 on: February 04, 2020, 05:09:35 AM »
when I started to fly in Cliffs of Dover, I had no problems with the flying itself, what gave me most problems was orientation without a moving map, specially in low cloud weather (something I actually learned to like)

The second thing was no icons - you had to move around , jink etc to find the enemy constantly, and rely on wing men and radio reports from Radar.
The German yellow noses really helped out in CLOD.

Engine management is a pita with the early spit1, and 109 where you have constantly to look for over-rev your prop etc, the later models on both sides have constant-speed props.

Shooting over 200 yards at fighter targets was a no-no.

In short : you need to invest much more time compared with AH.
I like the fog of war implemented in CLOD, and that is something I want reverted in AH - the instant-radar setting in Melee Arena.

Maybe I'm more sim-oriented than many in here, mostly depending on my IRL flying experience flying small planes.

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Offline Arlo

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Re: Arcade Game or WWII Simulation?
« Reply #59 on: February 04, 2020, 06:09:45 AM »
With a lot of the settings used in AVA, a CLOD aficionado should feel right at home there (I would think).  :cool: