Author Topic: Graphic Settings in VR  (Read 753 times)

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Graphic Settings in VR
« on: March 22, 2020, 09:37:27 AM »
Found an excellent post by 49Alpha on this (thank you 49Alpha), it's a couple years old but really made a big difference for me when I applied these settings yesterday. I can actually see the runway now and everything is much clearer.

I have an Oculus Rift S and also use Oculus Tray Tool to increase my clarity / resolution by setting Super Sampling. I'm still experimenting but now graphics looks good with SS at 1.5. I also leave ASW (Asynchronous Spacewarp 2.0) on as it gets pretty choppy with it off.

This works well with my older system, Geforce980ti card with i7 6800? CPU.,389419.0.html
Below are the settings that I and many others have found to be the best possible graphics settings to attain the clearest visuals in Aces High with VR. Without getting into details, many settings and post-processing which look great on flat monitors actually look worse in VR because you are so close to the image. Even if you have the hardware, increasing every graphics setting does more harm than good in VR visually.

The goal here with these settings is to get as much clarity as possible, reducing blurred distances, shimmering trees, and things just looking off and out of focus. Achieving more crisp visuals in Aces High with VR actually requires reducing settings, which will give the added bonus of increasing performance too. 

Below are the settings one-by-one, attached are screenshots of the various settings both in the control panel AND in-game.  For those of you without Nvidia cards, just use the AMD equivalent setting.

Graphics Control Panel:
*bold is very important

Anisotropic Filtering: 16x or highest
Antialiasing FXAA: Off
Antialiasing Gamma Correction: Off
Antialiasing Mode: Off
Antialiasing Setting: Off/None
Antialiasing Transparency: Off

CUDA GPUs - Use Global Setting (All)
Maximum pre-rendered frames: Use Global Setting (Use the 3D app setting)
Multi-Frame Sampld AA (MFAA): Off
OpenGL rendering GPU: Use global setting(auto)
Power Management Mode: Prefer Maximum Performance
Shader Cache: Use global setting (on)
Texture Filtering Anisotropic sample opt: Off
Texture Filtering Negative LOD bias: Clamp
Texture filtering Quality: High Quality
Texture filtering Trilinear optimization: Off

Threaded optimization: Use global setting (Auto)
Triple buffering: Use global setting (Off)
Vertical sync: Use the 3D application setting
Virtual Reality Pre-rendered frames: 1

In-Game Settings:

Enable Anti-Alias - Uncheck
Disable Bump Mapping - Uncheck
Disable Detail - Uncheck

Disable Shadow - Check
Disable Reflection - Check
Object Detail - All the way to the left
Tree Detail - All the way to the left
Ground Detail Range - All the way to the right
Terrain Detail - Hi Detail
Environment Map Sides per Frame: None

The Flying Circus

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Re: Graphic Settings in VR
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2020, 10:34:30 AM »
Compare your FPS with SS off vs 1.5.  If you need ASW you likely aren't anywhere near the Rift S 80 FPS max.

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Re: Graphic Settings in VR
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2020, 11:58:44 AM »
Compare your FPS with SS off vs 1.5.  If you need ASW you likely aren't anywhere near the Rift S 80 FPS max.

Just did some testing with that just flying around the offline large airfield. With SS (and ASW) off my framerate stays at 80(+), but my graphics don't look so good. With SS at 1.5 and ASW off I get around 60 FPS. SS at 1.4 with ASW off I get 70-80 FPS but it's a little choppy. The sweet spot for me seems to be SS at 1.4 and ASW On; this locks FPS to 40 but smooths it and I believe it even looks better.
The Flying Circus

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Re: Graphic Settings in VR
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2020, 12:17:50 PM »
The prob with ASW isn't a graphics quality thing it's a stutter as it kicks in and out. That can get really annoying! You could set it in OTT to lock FR at 40 and it won't do that. If 40 works for you that's great. What I do is keep ASW off and I think I have SS at 1.1 and I stay at 80 most of the time. That's on a c2011 2600k OC to 4.6 and a 2060 with a mild overclock too. Currently building a new 3900x rig that none of this will be a issue I'm thinkin. Keeping the 2060 for now.

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Re: Graphic Settings in VR
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2020, 12:28:08 PM »
Thanks for posting your results. Good to know ASW is working as advertised to smooth out the variable timing between frames. I think that's why Oculus no longer believes 90 is the required minimum FPS for VR.

ASW 2.0 is supposed to increase lag less than ASW 1.0 did. If lag still seems to be an issue when fighting you can always turn it off.