Sorry, I wasn't clear- it only worked immediately after i inputted the new button locations.
I was in a Ki84.
I've been fooling around with it a bit more- is it possible that just hitting the "OK" button to accept the mapping doesn't do it?
When I double click the map box it seems to stick for a while.
I notice also that sometimes when I think a button is not mapped properly it is actually just VERY slow to respond.
E.G. tap the gear down button, and three seconds later it works.
Anyhow, I like the flying part.
I'll see what the trainer can do to help me.
Does anybody use teamspeak? So far I really am not a fan of the built in vox.
Also, I have no idea how to type in the radio bar while wearing the oculus rift.
What the world needs is a keyboard that shows up in the headset.
One way or the other we'll get it sorted. Then I can begin the long journey from constant target to occasional victor.