Heres what Rodney told me:
(1) take a birds-eye image of your terrain from nice and high up with the screen shot button (Shift-S??)
(from 10Bears: or use your terr.bmp which in in editor dir)
(2) open the following file:
where xxx = the size of your map. E.g. map64.bmp is for a 64x64 size map.
(from 10Bears: all three use 512X512)
(3) Place a copy of that file in the directory that your new terrain is in.
e.g. terrains\newterr\map64.bmp
(4) Cut and Paste the image of your terrain into the map file that you created in the terrain directory.
(from 10B: if your paint program has transparency use that to get the lines in map)
(5) Now the tricky part : You need to cut the mapxxx.bmp file into 4 quarters. Each quarter should measure 256x256 pixels.
(from 10B: your graphics program has rulers use em')
Name the quarter's in the following way:
Top Left quarter -> map0.bmp
Top Right quarter -> map1.bmp
Bottom Left quarter -> map2.bmp
Bottom Right quarter -> map3.bmp
(6) copy those four files into your new terrains directory.
e.g. terrains\newterr\map0.bmp etc
(from 10b: your map256 or whatever you used, should also be included in this dir)
You might find it takes a while to get the map to fit exactly if your terrain doesn't fill the full area of the map. Trial and Error is the method I've used for that so far
(ruler see above)
This is how I did it. There is probably a better way. If so, I would love to hear about it!
Rodney w/ the brains
10Bears w/ the sweat