FYI Texman, as per the topic heading, that's a work in progress
. I still have a lot of work to do on that terrain. Also, the terrain looks like that because the the guy who so kindly agreed to make the textures,
SQRL, builds terrains for AW. His work is excellent.
Many terrains are OTW from various players (There are also some available if you go back far enough in the threads). However, the Burma terrain is almost complete. I am just waiting for the new TE to be released (After the next release) to update it, then it will be submitted to HTC. After that, I'll get this Eastern Front terrain wrapped up and shipped off to HTC (I wouldn't expect this terrain to be ready for submission for another 6 weeks due to my workload at work.) As soon as Burma is ready, I'll ley ya know.
VMF-111 DevildogsMAG-33 'Criticism is always easier than craftmanship.'