Author Topic: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny  (Read 11604 times)

Offline perdue3

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2020, 02:40:57 PM »
I'd like to see a new test with current low numbers and 3 hour timer.  :pray
C.O. Kommando Nowotny


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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2020, 02:43:03 PM »,361462.msg4811379/topicseen.html#msg4811379

That's the most I've seen him say on it.  I don't really agree with it, but that's his stance.

Yeah, I do remember that. I don't care one way or another for 1 hour, 2, 3, whatever. I love flying on the low number side but its a buzzkill to hesitate knowing you'll be stuck there until (basically) the next day.

The annoying thing is when the overnight crew rolls 2 maps in a night because no one is on. All the good maps get rolled, and then we get stuck with the grapefruit map for 5 days.
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Offline bustr

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #47 on: May 27, 2020, 02:53:37 PM »
The MA has evolved away from the 2005-2008 muppets ACM centrist air combat style. I rarely see K4 dragging players into the famous overshoot fade back maneuver anymore. DmonSlyr is quit good at those variations across many less "run and gun" style planes against late war fighters. Everyone else then runs and guns him which has become the current MA ACM community style.

You can still go for the old school ACM today and maybe survive one or two. It's the current MA style of 5 or 6 more showing up for the dinner bell that makes old school ACM in the MA take up single malt in the O'Club. Which DmonSlyr's list of rides are required to compete on equal footing these days.

At least he isn't complaining about combat eventually becomes a contest of how high everyone can reenter the combat zone once the reality of low alt combat sets in.

Right now the MA culture has shifted from placing a high degree of personal definition to how well you can use ACM to win engagements like in the mid 2000's. Today winning at any cost is the pinnacle. The best tools for that are late war planes DmonSlyr listed.     
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2020, 03:58:22 PM »
The MA has evolved away from the 2005-2008 muppets ACM centrist air combat style. I rarely see K4 dragging players into the famous overshoot fade back maneuver anymore. DmonSlyr is quit good at those variations across many less "run and gun" style planes against late war fighters. Everyone else then runs and guns him which has become the current MA ACM community style.

You can still go for the old school ACM today and maybe survive one or two. It's the current MA style of 5 or 6 more showing up for the dinner bell that makes old school ACM in the MA take up single malt in the O'Club. Which DmonSlyr's list of rides are required to compete on equal footing these days.

At least he isn't complaining about combat eventually becomes a contest of how high everyone can reenter the combat zone once the reality of low alt combat sets in.

Right now the MA culture has shifted from placing a high degree of personal definition to how well you can use ACM to win engagements like in the mid 2000's. Today winning at any cost is the pinnacle. The best tools for that are late war planes DmonSlyr listed.   

I can't say you are wrong. I have practiced defensive maneu vers so much to be able to avoid pickers and 6 jumpers and counter punch them. Thats one of the main parts of my game.
These skills are not practiced anymore. The age of learning real ACM is over. Flying fast planes to escape the loss advantage is the natural instinct for people who don't know how to counter punch with ACM. There's a reason why the need for speed was so important in air combat evolution, along with the guns they use.
This type of air combat is the most boring, IMO, and is why many of the furballer crowd has left for quicker air combat scenarios where dying isn't so strenuous getting back to the fight. There are just so many desperate for a kill after flying 25 miles to a base. They all jump you. Rinse and repeat. Time to fights + ganged by 3 yaks and a la7 every sortie is just getting tiring. No amount of skill can beat this. Just spend another 10 minutes getting there so they can all jump you again as soon as you dive.

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2020, 05:37:44 PM »
The planeset should have a rolling perk sytem based on the stats from the previous tour

And it should perk all late war planes but some much higher than others

And you should be allowed to sell your perks :)

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Offline whiteman

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2020, 06:39:54 PM »
The Tempest parties and Yak3 swarms have been noticeable and a drag on enjoyment. Coming in at 20k+, move to another part of the map or the increasingly just log off are the options. My 262 use is way up and as is  floating around CV groups waiting for bombers. Can’t lose kill streaks if they stay away from puffy.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #51 on: May 27, 2020, 08:08:41 PM »
Right now the MA culture has shifted from placing a high degree of personal definition to how well you can use ACM to win engagements like in the mid 2000's. Today winning at any cost is the pinnacle. The best tools for that are late war planes DmonSlyr listed.

I don't believe there's been a shift in culture.  This game has always been focused on winning the map; I remember not liking that aspect of it back in 2001, when I transitioned from AW.  Things got worse as numbers went up - what was that Joint Something Operations thing that literally was aimed at winning one or more maps a night?  And as I noted before, certain veterans and noobs (as they should) have always gravitated to the uber rides, whatever they were at the time.

I think you have to want to find a good fight in order to find one.  Flying into the midst of the biggest dar bar probably won't get you there.  Flying alone towards the enemy base they're coming from maybe will - especially if you aren't flying an uber plane.  I've had any number of Most Excellent Fights in just the last week or so, doing just that.  Hope to find some more this night.

- oldman

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #52 on: May 27, 2020, 08:20:13 PM »
Think of the children!!
ok im here
former squeaker, but you wont 1v1 about it
Most my friends are banned......
Kommando Nowotny

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2020, 08:22:46 PM »

I don't believe there's been a shift in culture.  This game has always been focused on winning the map; I remember not liking that aspect of it back in 2001, when I transitioned from AW.  Things got worse as numbers went up - what was that Joint Something Operations thing that literally was aimed at winning one or more maps a night?  And as I noted before, certain veterans and noobs (as they should) have always gravitated to the uber rides, whatever they were at the time.

I think you have to want to find a good fight in order to find one.  Flying into the midst of the biggest dar bar probably won't get you there.  Flying alone towards the enemy base they're coming from maybe will - especially if you aren't flying an uber plane.  I've had any number of Most Excellent Fights in just the last week or so, doing just that.  Hope to find some more this night.

- oldman

Let me tell you a story. These 2 190F-8s  flew to a base once upon a time, with killing ordnance and deacking the field in mind. During the mission, the 2 190s were met with resistance from, not one, but two 88mm Flak attendants. After the acks were down and ords were down, the 2 set off to the town to deack it as well. There was a friendly CV inbound and not much going on in the arena, so these two 190s thought they would stir something up. Once the town was deacked, an aircraft took off! About this time, one of the 190s noticed that there were 2 GV dars coming from either spawn into the field...M3's he guessed. The defender died honorably and bravely as the sole defender of this particular field. Later, he took off again and once more. Finally, after about 8 minutes, the acks were back up as was the ordnance.

Two 190F-8's successfully kept an entire side that had ENY issues from rolling an airplane. The resistance's first idea was to get in a field gun to kill them. After that, they decided to roll halftracks to the field for 7 minutes. Not just once or just one person, many people, many times. Do not tell me the culture has not changed. It is easier to resupply a field than defend it. It is easier to hide in a bush with a tank in town than fly a fighter to kill off the intruders. It is no longer about the fight and it is a bummer.
C.O. Kommando Nowotny


Offline 800nate800

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #54 on: May 27, 2020, 08:31:32 PM »
former squeaker, but you wont 1v1 about it
Most my friends are banned......
Kommando Nowotny

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2020, 09:24:15 PM »
Let me tell you a story.

I love story time!  I have one of my own to share.

This very night I logged on to Knight side, which was about even in numbers with everyone else (for once).  Seemed to be a fight between a Knight carrier and base A1 (don't recall whoever the other side was).  Not wanting to be a vulcher, I headed for where I thought the other side's reinforcements would come from.  Sure enough, soon I was engaged with two or three of them (and, fairly promptly, was headed for the water).  Remarkably, when I re-upped on our carrier, I saw that enemy planes were swarming from A1 itself, valiantly defending their base.  Both sides poured their resources into that fight, from the Knight carrier, from A1, and from the reinforcing base further south.  In classic Oldman fashion I often found myself swimming, and even managed to get a few kills of my own.  Met people like Mindy, 330SC, Holmes, Doc4 and many others on the other side, all of whom were good sticks, all of whom gave me good fights.  I had to log before I found out who ultimately kept the base...but who cared?  The fights were excellent.

So...don't tell me the culture has changed.  There are lots of people, vets and noobs alike, who still enjoy good air-to-air combat.

- oldman

Offline whiteman

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2020, 09:44:27 PM »
So...don't tell me the culture has changed.  There are lots of people, vets and noobs alike, who still enjoy good air-to-air combat.

- oldman

That’s how see the fights start, soon as the score board queens see the dar bar in come the Temp’s and Yak3’s

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #57 on: May 28, 2020, 02:00:59 AM »
These kind of whines from players crying about what other players fly, how they fight, how they only fly fast, late war planes have been around for a long, long time.

I remember hearing these whines back in '94 when I played DOS AW.

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #58 on: May 28, 2020, 05:02:53 AM »

I love story time!  I have one of my own to share.

This very night I logged on to Knight side, which was about even in numbers with everyone else (for once).  Seemed to be a fight between a Knight carrier and base A1 (don't recall whoever the other side was).  Not wanting to be a vulcher, I headed for where I thought the other side's reinforcements would come from.  Sure enough, soon I was engaged with two or three of them (and, fairly promptly, was headed for the water).  Remarkably, when I re-upped on our carrier, I saw that enemy planes were swarming from A1 itself, valiantly defending their base.  Both sides poured their resources into that fight, from the Knight carrier, from A1, and from the reinforcing base further south.  In classic Oldman fashion I often found myself swimming, and even managed to get a few kills of my own.  Met people like Mindy, 330SC, Holmes, Doc4 and many others on the other side, all of whom were good sticks, all of whom gave me good fights.  I had to log before I found out who ultimately kept the base...but who cared?  The fights were excellent.

So...don't tell me the culture has changed.  There are lots of people, vets and noobs alike, who still enjoy good air-to-air combat.

- oldman

I was on for a little while.... I missed seeing that fight. Sounds like a good time.
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Offline TWCAxew

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Re: Perk the Temp more and fix yak eny
« Reply #59 on: May 28, 2020, 05:56:49 AM »
These kind of whines from players crying about what other players fly, how they fight, how they only fly fast, late war planes have been around for a long, long time.

I remember hearing these whines back in '94 when I played DOS AW.

Nothing changed, they where valid whines back than, they are valid whines now.

I don't get why you think this would dismiss anything, all it does is confirming that this a problem that has been here for decades.

What I would like to see is a complete perk overhaul with ponies and spit 9 planes and better to cost a few perks so they can't be flown endlessly.

The 262 is in a pretty good spot tbh and it needs some savings if you want to fly it.

Personally I would like to see spit 5's to be the norm in the arena
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