Author Topic: How do I cut the big island out of the clwhatever it is map with 6 bases  (Read 1052 times)

Offline hazmatt

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It's the map with 6 bases and all the gv spawns in the middle of the map. The name starts with CL something.

I just want to cut the island part out of the map to have for a terrain for a custom arena if that is possible.

Offline Easyscor

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It's the map with 6 bases and all the gv spawns in the middle of the map. The name starts with CL something.

I just want to cut the island part out of the map to have for a terrain for a custom arena if that is possible.

(Trying to be helpful here)
You can't do that. You don't have the source files.

Two choices.

You can create a terrain of your own by hand based upon it's clipboard map, and use it in a custom arena, but it'll never the exact same terrain.

You can try to find the creator of the terrain and beg him for the version you envision.

I tried to figure out which terrain you were talking about. The closest I could come to was a ct__ something. That might have been used in the SEA. It's possible it might have been an AvA terrain used for Tank Night, but I doubt that.

If only 6 bases, option #1 isn't out of the question. There's lots of help in the Terrain forum if you decide to go that route.

Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline FLS

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You could use the original map and just disable the bases you don't want active like they do in scenarios.

Offline hazmatt

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Thanks FLS. Quick and dirty. Just how I like it!

Offline hazmatt

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Thanks for the info Easyscor. That sounds like more then I have the time or patience for at the moment, but good to know!

Offline Mongoose

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  Maps are very complex to make.  I salute those who have the know-how and the imagination.
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Offline hazmatt

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NDisles was the one I wanted the island out of the middle of

Offline bustr

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You know, when you pull up the NDisles "map.bmp" in the cloud editor it's pretty obvious NDisles was a freehand created terrain. Looks like the creator drew his land forms onto an empty "map.bmp". Pulled that up in the terrain editor and hand filled all the islands following the hand drawn land forms on the bmp. Then he used the raise hill and pulled up his mountains and massaged them. Went that route with my first terrain CraterMA. Looking at the "map.bmp" for NDisles it was a bit of dejavu seeing the basic tool marks and shapes from a 50,000ft look.

You can zoom in on the center island using the cloud editor and see where all the bases are and estimate where the Tank Town object ise located from the AH2 to AH3 conversion. It's probably easier for hazmatt to use NDisles and disable everything but the center island. Though as a first terrain project, the center island would be a good subject to duplicate and learn the terrain editor.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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