So I ran it pretty 24/7 from last Thurs. through the weekend.
I monitored it from time to time. I saw a few people pop in. A couple of you got some fights going. The few that tried it seemed to like it, but not a lot of interest was shown to try it.
It's somewhat hidden on the Player tab, but this thread pointed out where it was, and to make sure, I posted a notice on the General forum so we at least knew a number of people were aware of it.
I don't think the idea was bad. I think it was a reasonable setup for furballing. I think it would work, though we could debate plane-sets, etc. So there might be tweaks to the arrangement and settings to optimize it, but optimization wasn't the problem. The setup makes no difference if no one will go in.
Would it make a difference if I left it up a month? <Shrug.> Would it make a difference if it was a link off the front tab? <Shrug.>
I remember there used to be a constant population of regulars at the furball lake back in 2010-11. But this is not the same community we had in 2010. A lot of those people are not here, so maybe you can't re-capture the past.
If there is something else specific you want me to try still, we can. Otherwise I don't see any further advantage of continuing the test.
I think you are just hitting the Melee wall. Habit is just too ingrained. It's almost impossible to get them to click on anything else.
Like why can't the AvA not generate any traffic at all? I understand MNM and Tank Night are fun, but honestly, that really isn't what the mandate of the Ava was supposed to be. It seems to me those would more logically just be run in the SEA. I'm not against those events, it just points out a mystery on why something like even the AvA (in a community supposedly of WWII enthusiast) can't pull even a portion of the traffic from the Melee except for an occasional event that only barely has anything to do with AvA. You'd think all those guys who currently only play Scenarios and FSO and eschew the Melee might at least keep a presence there in between events.

Anyway... on the Furball Arena...
Maybe if you was run on a special night, or on Sunday afternoons or something at a fixed time, you could market it and drum up a collection of players would would show up for that as regulars. That is not an effort I'm interested in pursuing, but if one of want to pursue it, I will teach you to fish rather than giving you a fish.
The terrain is loaded on the server. (Actually I have a new version with a few final teaks DemnSlyr suggested.) If DemnSlyr or Bixbie, or someone was interested in grabbing this and running with it and try and build it up, I can get you the arena config files and make you a step-by-step instructions on how to set it up and run it in your own Custom Arena when you want. I'm not interested in taking that on, but I will help one of you take it over if you want to continue it. Maybe you can build a Sunday afternoon Furball club or something.
Any takers?