Some of the problems with the people can be solved.
Build it so that team "A" MUST take a base from team "B" after they have captured 2 bases from team "C". It will stop the peoples play of just pounding one team down to a few bases.
Get rid of the GV radar squares that pinpoints GVs and just add another dar bar for GVs in that sector. It will get GVers back into GVs if they aren't "highlighted" by the radar square. To compensate making it hard to find GVs, bring the old range numbers back so they can be spotted from the air when they are moving. Knock a 100 yards off the storch is range to keep it relevant.
Put a ceiling on the buffs so we dont have 30k+ porkers milk running in the low number times. 20K is good enough to make only those that WANT to go after them and make the buffs fight for their run instead of playing hide and seek.
Cap the number of planes that can launch from a base. Cuts back on the hording and forces attacking/defending from multiple fields.
Give perks for joining a mission and completing the mission. Porking a bases /taking down all ack for small groups, capture a base for larger groups.
And to get numbers up, open 5 planes and GVs to "FREE" to play IN the main arena. This way new players dont feel like they are wasting money getting killed over and over again. Once they start learning a few tricks they may get the full subscription, but even if they dont your not any worst off than you are now.
How much can be changed with just flipping a switch or editing a data page I dont know, but little things CAN be adjusted to force a different behaviour from the players. We had far too many NOEs at one point in time and a change in the dar altitude curbed is so it isnt the "go to mission" any more. Other things could be adjusted the same way.