Maybe not a challenge, but now it's pretty much just point and click.Coogan
I think it is a big deal. The wonder has been removed from this game.
Point and click is what some are wanting. Instant fights. Instant gratification. On top of that they like to buy their experience or purchase things to make them better. More kills a minute, the better. None of them like to die so I am not sure who will be on the death side..... possibly all AI.
I think it is a big deal. The wonder has been removed from this game.Coogan
If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.
From Wiley: If you're hitting them after they drop, that's not defense, that is revenge.
Didn't HiTech make a game to coddle to those folks? Pretty sure he did.Got air spawns and everything. Maybe that's more your type of game.
Equating clip board info to air spawns is a practice in over-exaggeration.
At times you can have to much intel. This is one of them.
but I do agree that taking bases can be too easy.
Holy Shi*t. You might just be right.Look at the high fidelity we had back then.(Image removed from quote.)Coogan
Over a M U C H longer range than we have, and if I remember right, they could generally tell a big plane from a small plane couldn't they? As well as altitude?Wiley.