Author Topic: Change of plans on October Scenario -- announcing October TFT instead  (Read 1253 times)

Offline Brooke

  • Aces High CM Staff
  • Plutonium Member
  • *******
  • Posts: 15675
The October Scenario is being replaced by a Target for Today (TFT) Tali-Ihantala, which will run on Oct. 17.

You can fly at any time during the 8 hours of this event, whenever suits you.  It will start at 1 pm Eastern in Special Events 2 arena.

190's, 109's, Ju 88's vs. La-5's, Yak-9's, P-39's, Tu-2's.  Fighter combat, bombing, attack, in a glorious fight over Finland.

If you aren't registered yet, please do so, because we need to know if it has enough players:

If you registered for the October scenario, you are already registered for the TFT.

If you want to unregister, please send me a message.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 08:03:07 PM by Brooke »