Thank goodness it wasn't a scorpion bite!
I'll say as much! Where your mind goes sometimes!

I had my preacher fly me up to Atlanta where they have a better unit for this. We were well beyond thr four hour window at that point. They wheeled me straight in and got me settled until the schedule cleared up for CT and MRI. Neither family nor clergy are allowed in withg the patient beyond the ER (this is changing next week), so my wife and preacher left at this point. My breathing went erratic just getting set up for the MRI, so they rescheduled that for the following day. The MRI wasn't as bad as I had heard, but the headphones were about useless (don't bother). The end result is I had what they think is total blockage on left artery, and 50% on the right. So, I went almost directly to the angiogram. After they restored 50% they called it a day. I was awake for the entire procedure and it didn't cause any weird panic watching my neck being worked on from the the surgery monitor. What was weird was the imagery my brain conjured up while there were HD images being made of the affected area, and heat oddly enough. Amazing technology that I would be unaware of.
Not fun, at all, but it must be my own fault for loving hamburgers, ice cream, and Coca-Cola! So they say. Someone will say it's 5G.