Author Topic: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2  (Read 4738 times)

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Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« on: October 02, 2020, 02:54:17 PM »
Very interesting to see side-by-side comparison of these headsets:

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2020, 03:36:58 PM »
Right now the Quest 2 cannot operate in full resolution via Link. There is an update due in November to allow this.

So that comparison really shows Oculus 1 res.

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2020, 08:56:24 PM »
The Pimax 8kx looks as good as the G2, and has a much wider field of view-which I think is really nice in a flight sim. That said. I really like what I've read about the G2 recently. They've done some good work there for sure!

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2020, 08:02:38 PM »
I don't think he covers the CPU impact the Quest 2 has as well.

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2020, 03:12:47 AM »

Just came back to AH after maybe a two year hiatus (might be more, not sure). I used to fly VR with the original HTC vive and bow I use the Valve Index. I’m pretty impressed with it over all.
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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2020, 11:31:54 AM »
That was a really cool video! I fly on a Quest (original) via Link and it's quite amazing. Text is readable in the cockpits, though it begins to blur if you back your head away from the center view.

All-in-all, I can't fly AH without VR now. I try, and it's just...not the same.

Question for the VR followers here: when will we begin to see really measurable field-of-view improvements? One of the issues I have with existing kits is that they rely heavily on forward vision, but don't offer a ton of peripheral view.
Spin Doc's Aces High VR Video channel!

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2020, 09:14:51 PM »
what do you consider 'measurable'? THe quest has about a 90 horizontal FOV. I think the Valve index does about 120, and the pimax headsets range from the Artisan at 140 horizontal through the 5 and 8 series at 170 horizontal. The Star VR1 does around 200 I think, but it's a limited sale item, and hasn't got great reviews from my acquaintances who have managed to get a hold of one. IF you can get one, it's about $3000.00 US.
I have a Pimax 8kx, and once you get it dialed in, it's pretty amazing. It's not cheap either. Unfortunately. The Artisan is a good bet at around $499 US and prices go up from there.
There are issues with wider FOV... it appears to be much harder to create a lens system that works right out of the box for most consumers. OTOH, even my old oculus rift took some tweaking.  Further, for many games, it's really not needed and the Reverb G2 will do very well. For flight and driving sims tho', there's no substitute for wider FOV.

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2020, 06:47:14 AM »
With the way HT has implemented VR in AH3 with using hat views along with head turning, wide FOV is not as critical here as compared to IL2 or DCS where VR views are extremely limited in the name of "realism".

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2020, 02:49:47 PM »
At a maximum human binocular fov is 120 degrees. Anything outside that is monocular. Your acute FOV is about 6 degrees.

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2020, 10:32:30 PM »
In real life, your view outside that narrow range of acuity is mostly motion detection- I like the wide POV of the Pimax for that reason. Since I'm not very good in AH, I need all the SA I can get- and with a wider FOV I seem to be able to avoid getting surprised more often when a second or third guy piles on me. I still get killed, but hopefully as I gain more familiarity with the aircraft models and get more skilled at the edge of the envelope I'll do a bit better. In the meantime, I'll take as wide an FOV as I can get.
On my oculus rift, the game was really blurry, I couldn't read the instruments, and I felt like I was looking out through a pair of scuba goggles. It was still fun, but higher res and a wider FOV makes the experience worlds better.
I do need a better video card tho'. My nvidia 1080 just can't handle the demands of the Pimax 8kx. I've got the resolution of the game set to about 1080x800 or something like that, with most in game details turned way down.
Hopefully the next gen cards will actually be available before Christmas!

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2020, 12:11:16 AM »
With the way HT has implemented VR in AH3 with using hat views along with head turning, wide FOV is not as critical here as compared to IL2 or DCS where VR views are extremely limited in the name of "realism".

:aok Not sure how often you "jump in DCS"...they changed some things to help spotting bad guys. Its still not as good as we have it here, but you can pick up DOTS better now :aok Makes it a bit more "tolerable" of the sore Neck Muscles, now that you can see cons?  :rofl 
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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2020, 04:16:04 PM »
On my oculus rift, the game was really blurry, I couldn't read the instruments, and I felt like I was looking out through a pair of scuba goggles. It was still fun, but higher res and a wider FOV makes the experience worlds better.

You probably need glasses (or prescription lenses). The Rift has never been blurry, resolution is lower compared to the current gen - but lower resolution does not equal blurry.

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2020, 09:46:46 PM »
Funny that I don't need them for my Pimax then isn't it?
It was still fun, but the cockpit gauges were unreadable. 
This shows pretty much how it looked. This was using oculus Mirror- I think the view in the headset was slightly brighter and a tad clearer.
DCS was a little better, but not much. Mind you, I have a very narrow IPD, and the Oculus Rift apparently didn't accommodate that too well.
I certainly enjoyed it tho'- it was  pretty cool for its day.

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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2020, 03:58:12 PM »
Funny that I don't need them for my Pimax then isn't it?
It was still fun, but the cockpit gauges were unreadable. 
This shows pretty much how it looked. This was using oculus Mirror- I think the view in the headset was slightly brighter and a tad clearer.
DCS was a little better, but not much. Mind you, I have a very narrow IPD, and the Oculus Rift apparently didn't accommodate that too well.
I certainly enjoyed it tho'- it was  pretty cool for its day.
Rift "one"/CV1? Yes even with glasses the "screendoor" blurred some. The RiftS with prescription was clear. I probably go with a different make, after these quit. I hate facebook :furious
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Re: Through the Lense - Quest 2 vs Index vs Reverb G2
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2020, 04:16:08 PM »
I still use my CV1, it doesn't blur at all. It may pixelate and you get screendoor, some people even tried adding lenses to blur the screendoor. I dunno what you guys are doing but mine is perfectly sharp. Or maybe you're confusing blur with pixelation?