What happened to the numbers seems to be a much disputed and complicated issue.
However, one thing always drives business: advertising word of mouth and media ads...
Unless you're Tesla. But this is not Tesla.
I really want the numbers to come back up again. I have had some really nice fights lately even with low numbers (last night, 46 players online. "Hi ATLAU!"). But I do remember the days of old VERY fondly.
Honestly, this is some of the most fun I've had in AH, now that I joined the Arabian Knights. Great squad play is at the heart of this game. I also posted a 'future of the game' post back a month or two ago. It generated a lot of suggestions, and I think some could be incorporated. But it requires HiTech/Dale to want to adapt and incorporate some of the changes. It also requires the company to be in touch with what gamers today want. Quicker matches; a smoother/easier software experience, social and matchmaking capabilities for quicker melee deathmatches... This game has some HUGE pluses: the realistic aircraft models, the nice balance of ease-of-use (instead of DCS-like meticulousness), VR!!! These things are all great (did I mention VR?!?!). So where does it go from here?
I think some advertisement would be good, but it has GOT TO BE A SMOOTH FIRST-IMPRESSION EXPERIENCE. Newcomers to this game need to step into it and be able to play immediately. That may be an unbridgeable fix. It may be a literal bridge too far to change some of the very mechanics of this game that we know and trust (even something like .dot commands can be difficult for newer gamers to grasp). Not sure. But if the game will survive, it absolutely MUST adapt to the modern era. I truly hope this happens, as AH brings me a ton of joy and a super-fun recreational experience.