Eagler, you're being little overboard.
Here is a list of vaccinations required of anyone who wants to immigrate to USA.
What vaccines are required for U.S. immigration?
At this time,* vaccines for these diseases are currently required for U.S. immigration:
Tetanus and diphtheria
Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Meningococcal disease
Pneumococcal disease
Seasonal influenza
*On December 14, 2009, the human papillomavirus (HPV) and zoster vaccines were removed from the list of required vaccines for immigrant applicants. All other vaccinations on this list remain.
Any future vaccines recommended by ACIP for the general U.S. public will be subject to the new vaccination criteria. If the recommended vaccines fit the new criteria, they will be added to the list of required vaccines for immigrant applicants.
Do note that this incudes dreaded MMR shot.
For existing citizen - when you're a child you are required to have those shots to be admitted to school ( there are exceptions ).
There is a greater good for all of us, people aren't dying ( and infecting others ) with deadly stuff.
Why would you want to look for malice ?
MORAY37 - thank you for valuable and reasonable input into this thread.