Do you know what you just said? Someone who thinks like this is called something in this country. Something, special. Dare to take a guess?
To be fair to Paul, he uses Marx here in the best manner I have ever seen an American politician use him. Usually, Marx is thrown around as a punchline and a menacing sounding adjective. Here, he uses it properly. I, of course, disagree somewhat with his thesis in this speech, but at least he is rational. He is on the other side of the fence from me on economics, but he realizes that Conservatives for stimulus are not Conservatives at all. Thus, this begs the question, what do they stand for?
Marx was a degenerate not in a political sense on a personal level, he never worked, he was lazy and rarely washed.
These so called intellectuals were degenerate morphine takers and sexual degenerates
Marx’s family were no better, mixed up with like wise degenerates and either ending up in mental institutions or killing them selves.
As for Marxist theory it is a theory for YOU not them.
Come the revolution you will do as your bloody told!
And be damn sure you and yours will NOT be siiting on the top table.
No wonder Russia and China despise the West.
They tried this Communism and ditched it after 100 million dead.
Dont ever think the a Chinese are communists, they are Chinese first, and using their form of communism to destroy the West.
They have won without dropping a bomb.