Author Topic: View Problems Track IR and Oculus Rift  (Read 855 times)

Offline TWC_Angel

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View Problems Track IR and Oculus Rift
« on: January 16, 2021, 12:10:55 PM »
I started this thread in the VR section of the help forum but in troubleshooting i have discovered that it is also an issue in Trackir. So i figured it was general troubleshooting support worthy now.

Issues are as follows. 
*Track ir: If i lean forwards, backwards, left, or right it does not respond in AH. Looking left, right, up, and down works just fine.
*Oculus:  If i lean forwards, backwards, left, or right it does not respond in AH. However, When i look left it leans me right way out to the cockpit glass if im looking way left. In proportion to the amount left i turn my head pov slides right. Vise versa to the other side. In VR it causes vertigo almost immediately.
The arrow keys on the keyboard also dont allow me to lean left or right in or out. im not sure if that helps or not.

I am a returning AH player. Ive been out for a long time, been looking forwards to joining in the skies once more. This is the last piece of the puzzle keeping me out of VR in my flight simpit. (which i recently pulled out of mothballs and reassembled)
Thank you for your time.
p.s. shout out to 1stpar3 and FLS for lending a hand thus far  :salute
« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 12:29:29 PM by TWC_Angel »
IGN: Angel
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Offline Bixby

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Re: View Problems Track IR and Oculus Rift
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2021, 10:46:36 PM »
Hello Angel,

In trackir, on the profiles screen...under motion adjustment...the small boxes should have a check mark for "X" for side to side movement and for the "Z" box a a check mark for the forward to back movement.

The look  left/right motion is the "yaw" box and "pitch" box is look up and down.

Check your x and z boxes to make sure they are checked. Hope that helps. I don't use vr so I have no clue aboit that issue.

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: View Problems Track IR and Oculus Rift
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 02:52:51 AM »
Hello Angel,

In trackir, on the profiles screen...under motion adjustment...the small boxes should have a check mark for "X" for side to side movement and for the "Z" box a a check mark for the forward to back movement.

The look  left/right motion is the "yaw" box and "pitch" box is look up and down.

Check your x and z boxes to make sure they are checked. Hope that helps. I don't use vr so I have no clue aboit that issue.
Would your System run VR? I have an Oculus CK1 drawing dust! I have ZERO qualms about sending it to you! If you want to try it out?  What's to lose? LOL It gets you in game more(more targets), keeps you IN GAME(more Targets)  :rofl Seriously though, if you want to try it out, just give me a shout!
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Offline Nwbie

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Re: View Problems Track IR and Oculus Rift
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2021, 08:44:47 PM »
How do you center the viewpoint with TrackIR.. ?  Everything is skewed to the side, no center point.. still lost trying to set it up...
Skuzzy-- "Facts are slowly becoming irrelevant in favor of the nutjob."

Offline popeye

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Re: View Problems Track IR and Oculus Rift
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2021, 06:49:08 AM »
How do you center the viewpoint with TrackIR.. ?  Everything is skewed to the side, no center point.. still lost trying to set it up...

In the TIR profile panel, under HotKeys, select "center" then click the button under Key.  TIR will prompt you to press the key (or controller button) that you want to use for centering.  You will then use that key in AH to center the view -- so, pick a key (or controller button) that you aren't using for another AH function.

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