After seeing all these comments, that helps me want to continue to fly in the game.
I wish I could have flown in Dr7's observance. But, this game, it has a depth of faith and respect that is much more true to life when losing a friend, whether in combat or after combat.
Among other reasons and this, I will never "give up" on this game or me as a player, even if I'm the jokes to be joked about.
After all, I can't count..... please don't pull the stats, how many times I ran up against DR7 (different gameid), that I lost. But, I kept going, and DR7 never waivered.
That is the spirit of this game. We fight, because we can, we defend, because we can, we attack, because we can and.... even with a map loss, we can LIVE to do it all over again.
<S> to DR7 and <S> to all of you.
Rest in peace DR7.