Author Topic: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB  (Read 3473 times)

Offline TDeacon

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Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« on: May 20, 2021, 07:09:17 PM »
Hi all,

Since the early 1990s, I've used a high-quality keyboard (Keytronic KB101 Plus) for Air Warrior, Warbirds, and Aces High.  One nice thing about it is the numeric keypad supports the legacy view system via 3-key numeric combinations, and I've always preferred the legacy view system.  Given its age, this keyboard uses a PS/2 connector. 

Just discovered that the ASUS Prime Z490-A MB on the PC I'm building doesn't have a PS/2 connector on the back.  Questions:

1)  Does anyone have experience with PS/2 adapters or (more expensive) converters?  (my preferred solution)
2)  Does anyone recommend a modern USB, high-quality keyboard supporting 3-key numeric keypad use?   (a future solution)

Thanks in advance,

EDIT:  I later posted this to "Hardware and Software" forum as well.  If that's not allowed, mods please remove this one, and leave the Hardware and Software copy.  Tks.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2021, 07:23:50 PM by TDeacon »

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2021, 03:50:44 AM »
Well? For Me and my experience, XBox Controllers were the Default(supported) controllers. Have NO IDEA as per cost, as My XBox Controller came with my Oculus CK1?   Are you using the Controller instead of Joy Stick/Hotas?   I could use it(XBox Controller) to moderate acceptability...but I believe the Joy Stick/Hotas works better  :uhoh   Do you have a Joy Stick/Hotas? If NOT......AND I can find a Logitech 3D Pro for sale? Great starter Stick. (more than enough buttons if VoiceAttack is used as well)!!!>>>> I would gladly set you up!!!! We need all the Players we can muster! Its an investment into my AH Gaming FUN!!!! 100% SERIOUS :rock
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2021, 06:53:30 AM »
Well? For Me and my experience, XBox Controllers were the Default(supported) controllers. Have NO IDEA as per cost, as My XBox Controller came with my Oculus CK1?   Are you using the Controller instead of Joy Stick/Hotas?   I could use it(XBox Controller) to moderate acceptability...but I believe the Joy Stick/Hotas works better  :uhoh   Do you have a Joy Stick/Hotas? If NOT......AND I can find a Logitech 3D Pro for sale? Great starter Stick. (more than enough buttons if VoiceAttack is used as well)!!!>>>> I would gladly set you up!!!! We need all the Players we can muster! Its an investment into my AH Gaming FUN!!!! 100% SERIOUS :rock

He is asking about a keyboard issue.  Newer computers don't have the connector  the old keyboards use. Every keyboard today is pretty much usb. He is worried that he may have problems with multiple  key presses as in "look up,left,front" at the same time.

Not a Play Station  controller.

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2021, 10:33:18 AM »
Hi all,

Since the early 1990s, I've used a high-quality keyboard (Keytronic KB101 Plus) for Air Warrior, Warbirds, and Aces High.  One nice thing about it is the numeric keypad supports the legacy view system via 3-key numeric combinations, and I've always preferred the legacy view system.  Given its age, this keyboard uses a PS/2 connector. 

Just discovered that the ASUS Prime Z490-A MB on the PC I'm building doesn't have a PS/2 connector on the back.  Questions:

1)  Does anyone have experience with PS/2 adapters or (more expensive) converters?  (my preferred solution)
2)  Does anyone recommend a modern USB, high-quality keyboard supporting 3-key numeric keypad use?   (a future solution)

Thanks in advance,

EDIT:  I later posted this to "Hardware and Software" forum as well.  If that's not allowed, mods please remove this one, and leave the Hardware and Software copy.  Tks.

Many years ago when PS2 was phased out in favor of USB keyboards, I just used a generic USB adaptor until I bought a USB gaming keyboard.  The only issue I had was I was unable to use the software that came with the PS2 keyboard.
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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2021, 11:26:57 AM »
He is worried that he may have problems with multiple  key presses as in "look up,left,front" at the same time

I've been trying to think of a 3 key combination for a certain view and have yet to remember one...

Fugitive,  your example is just  using  keypad #5 with  keypad #7

Seems like we did have 3 key view combinations in AW, iirc...but I don't remember any for AH
« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 11:31:18 AM by TequilaChaser »
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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2021, 12:12:30 PM »
I get what you're saying here - I remember the 3-key KP view system well. You're talking about "N Key Rollover," meaning that the keyboard is able to not only determine if you are pressing 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 keys at the same time, but that it can successfully tell the computer it's connected to about those simultaneous keypresses. Most modern and cheap keyboards only have "2 Key Rollover" meaning that they will only sense up to 2 simultaneous keypresses. Most modern "gaming" keyboards advertise 5- or 6- Key Rollover. It sounds like your beloved Keytronic has at least 3 Key Rollover, and I bet it has more.

Anyway, the thing here is going to be what PS/2 to USB adapters will accurately tell the computer about your 3 Key Rollover condition. I don't have an answer, but if I were in your shoes, I would go to Amazon and search for PS/2 USB Adapters and specifically look in the reviews or description for N Key Rollover or 3 Key Rollover and see if anyone says anything about it. If I didn't find any references, then I would just buy 3 or 4 different brands of adapter, with the intention of returning the ones that didn't work. Here's 4:

Good luck.

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Offline TDeacon

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2021, 09:01:58 PM »
Thanks all, and especially Llama for the "N-key Rollover" terminology!

FWIW, I bought this converter, which hopefully will arrive on Monday.  We will see...:


Offline TDeacon

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2021, 09:08:11 PM »
BTW, I just remembered that both my Amiga 1000 and my Amiga 3000 had keyboards which supported 3 key rollover.  Both were used for Air Warrior on GEnie.  I see that as an indication of their inherent quality.  :-)


Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2021, 03:54:02 AM »
He is asking about a keyboard issue.  Newer computers don't have the connector  the old keyboards use. Every keyboard today is pretty much usb. He is worried that he may have problems with multiple  key presses as in "look up,left,front" at the same time.

Not a Play Station  controller.
DOH! And Ya'll wonder why I love you fellers?!!!!  "Not a Play Station Controller"? What does PS Connector refer to?  :uhoh   EH! Offer still stands, even though I have NO IDEA what you guys talk about! Like with Lazer!!!! Flies with Mouse and Keyboard...wonder how MUCH MORE Bad Donkey he would be , using JoyStick? All I need is a "Heck yeah", send it, and find out :aok  Just an Investment into MY gaming experience!!!

"NOT PlayStation controller"? ALMOST as embarrassing as"I have Troops"...just to hear the Dreaded Cathump of dropping Supplies! :rofl HAPPENED YESTURDAY!!!! :rofl   Still got the Capture.....But DANG it!!!!  Had some AWESOME Experiences with Mark4 yesterday! Deja view,all over Again!... Him- Missing Wing...Me falling for FX1's Rope :bhead 2 Sorties, in a ROW! That giggle of his!!!!! PRICELESS
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 04:31:41 AM by 1stpar3 »
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Offline TDeacon

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2021, 12:37:51 PM »

In case you're interested, here's what I was talking about.


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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2021, 01:14:42 PM »

In case you're interested, here's what I was talking about.

:aok  Ok! Yeah, absolutely not what I thought it was  :rofl  Eh, I didnt get my first PC till 2013 Thanks for the link :D
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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2021, 03:14:47 PM »
Track IR is your friend, come to the dark side.
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Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2021, 04:03:41 AM »
Track IR is your friend, come to the dark side.
I see your TrakIR, and raise you 1 RiftS! :devil :rock
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain

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Re: Converting a quality PS/2 keyboard to USB
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2021, 09:20:46 AM »
I see your TrakIR, and raise you 1 RiftS! :devil :rock
Not sure I follow, I found this : Rifts is a multi-genre role-playing game created by Kevin Siembieda in August 1990
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