I thought it was jumping to guns too as the formation that warps a bit as you fly up to it seems to defend itself sooner and better than the ones that don't seem to show that warp
EXACTLY!!! Sure does seem to be, like that! Same Observation that I had! FU Fine Time...just "Picking" on him!!!!
Since he has been back...Non-Bish, as per todays version....He channels that "Pre-AH3" hoard VIBE...PERFECTLY! He isnt a 999,000...but still demands some respect, for those Guns!!!! BOMBER DWEEB!!!!
I recall, VIVIDLY.....FineTime, pulling an Emelman in a Lancaster...and kicking my Donkey!!!
Way back in 2014!!!!! QUE Chris Farley, in "Dirty Work"! "YOU BASTARD!!!"
RIP Norm McDonald I miss our fights in AVA! I just cant bear it, with out my Niece!! AWESOME BAIT!!!!! "Pink Spit, MUST DIE!" She told me, to tell you, if I do show up with out her, "REALLY EAGLER? My Uncle is RIGHT HERE! Why pick on me?"
She sure did have a BLAST, fighting you! "OH CHIT! I killed Eagler!"
"Change planes, HUN!!!!" I tell her! "F THAT....Pink SPIT-Ride or Die!" I got this....
I blame Sis🤣😂🤣🤐 OOOPSSSSS AWESOME MEMORIES Brother!!!!!