Yesterday I went through the settings of a new(ish) gaming laptop upgraded to Win11. First time for me, until now I had only seen pictures of the desktop of it.
The customer said it works fine which is no wonder since the system was only half a year old and made by a big name, meaning that most likely a similar one has been used for beta testing for compatibility.
What I disliked was the layout. Why on Earth did they have to try to reinvent the wheel by copying Apple and some Linux distros??? Isn't Windows the leading OS that others should copy? Moving the Taskbar to cover one third of the bottom center of the screen made me look for the Start menu icon several times - not something one could not learn but after having taught people to look at the bottom left corner for a couple of decades I guess there'll be plenty of us who look at the wrong place and the less technically skilled will be confused. Then again especially with ultra wide monitors the start menu in the middle of the screen is more ergonomic. By visiting the shops and looking at the ads that would be a moot point though as the mainstream they're currently selling at least here seems to be 14" laptops for students.
Another less fancy improvement in my opinion is that they brought back the small "Show all programs" button to the start menu. Most likely just because the new menu is relatively small, half of it being populated by recently used files.
Oh well, I should not complain as it will bring me lots of work, trying to tweak the systems to vaguely resemble something a slowly dementing mind can understand.