Author Topic: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions  (Read 3758 times)

Offline decoy

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Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« on: October 25, 2021, 01:18:05 PM »
My calendar has been kind of full for the last thirty days and I don't see much change in the immediate future.  I say to to explain why I'm slowly building stick time.  I try to add one fighter to my 'inventory' in offline practice, but bombers are a different breed of cat.

If I'm going to invest 45, or more, minutes off my time, I figure I might as well be online.  I've downloaded all the various maps and I know how to get them from the clipboard, but I figure I want to start small and work my way up.  Or should I?  I pretty much have the basics down, launching from a base at the rear, getting enough alt, maintaining straight and level flight, setting speed trim, and calibrating my bombsight.  I've been picking targets on a hit and miss basis and if anyone can suggest one particular type of target that will help me build my skill set, I'd appreciate it.

My other question is whether or not there is a way to check bomb damage assessment.  If there is, I can't find it.  Any help will be appreciated.

As usual, many thanks in advance for your help.

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Rule #3 What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  Except redheads, they just kill you.

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2021, 01:29:47 PM »
I'm not much of a bomber guy but any run to strat targets like AAA, Radar, Ammo, City will most likely get you some excitement.

Also you can check the target percentage by hovering the mouse over the target to how how much of it is still operational for a BDA.

Offline oboe

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2021, 01:33:07 PM »
Every object you destroy generates a message in the text buffer.  I like to stay in the bomb sight after a let the bombs go, and use the 'U' for calibration mode to watch the bombs fall toward the targets.  You can use zoom function in the sight, and the view can be moved around using the joystick.

Offline Cluzig

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2021, 02:05:55 PM »
My calendar has been kind of full for the last thirty days and I don't see much change in the immediate future.  I say to to explain why I'm slowly building stick time.  I try to add one fighter to my 'inventory' in offline practice, but bombers are a different breed of cat.

If I'm going to invest 45, or more, minutes off my time, I figure I might as well be online.  I've downloaded all the various maps and I know how to get them from the clipboard, but I figure I want to start small and work my way up.  Or should I?  I pretty much have the basics down, launching from a base at the rear, getting enough alt, maintaining straight and level flight, setting speed trim, and calibrating my bombsight.  I've been picking targets on a hit and miss basis and if anyone can suggest one particular type of target that will help me build my skill set, I'd appreciate it.

My other question is whether or not there is a way to check bomb damage assessment.  If there is, I can't find it.  Any help will be appreciated.

As usual, many thanks in advance for your help.


I'm not sure I'm the right guy to hand out conventional bomber tips, as honestly I don't even know what I'm going to do next. What I would strongly suggest is using your mouse to aim and try to be quick and fluid in jumping to different positions when manning your guns. The better your gunnery the more options you have.

Use the stick to fly and do not be afraid to use flaps and a lot of rudder. I think B17 are a good pick for all round usage. Use the 500lbs try to take out vehicle hangers and white flag towns. If you can bring down a vh with a couple bombs u can bring down anything. Town can be white flagged with various methods from a few hundred feet to 30k.

If a bogey comes in and your in the top turrent

Offline decoy

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2021, 03:51:08 PM »
Thanks so much.  It may be a day or two before I can interpret all that info into a what it all means in gameplay, but I'll certainly give it all a try. 

Rule #1 Don't sweat the small stuff
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Rule #3 What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  Except redheads, they just kill you.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2021, 03:54:50 PM »
I'd say bombing towns would be the first thing I'd work on. Towns are a good size and easy to hit. 500 lbs are the bomb of choice. Remember your dropping 3 bombs per button drop if your running in a formation, and this is the best way to run. More bombs on target and more guns to defend with.

All towns are laid out the same, tho the orientation might be rotated from town to town (nasty map makers trying to keep things interesting  :) ) Generally you want to make your run from the SW to the NE on about a 35-40 angle from north.

  • line up on town using the map about 20-25 miles out, go level and build speed
  • When your in the bomb site and zoomed out do your final calibration when you can spot the town at the top of the map.
  • Watch your speed. Be sure it stays matched to the calibrated speed (it should because of the run up level flying from 20-25 miles out)
  • Minor adjustments using the stick while in the bomb site will not scrub off too much speed.
  • Use "zoom" to get a better view of the target. When the cross hair is over the target let them go!

A couple of things to remember, bombs do "splash" damage, so a 500 lber hitting one building will more often than not take out 4,5,6 surrounding buildings depending where you drop it. Picture a circle about the size of a couple buildings and that will be your damage are. Put you cross hairs where that circle hits the most buildings. 1000 lbers have a bigger splash area but with 3 bombers in your formation the over lap of the splash area doesnt help get more damage and seeing you carry less 1000 lbers vs 500 lbers you can get more damage with the smaller bombs.

While I like to pickle off my bombs individually you can set a "salvo" and "delay" per button push. If your making a bomb run along the long axis of a town you can drop a good 6 sets of bombs. For me its 6 presses of the drop button with a pause inbetween each press. On the other hand you could type into the radio bad ".salvo 6" and ".delay .5"  and with one press of the bomb drop button you'll drop 6 bombs from each bomber in your formation with a half second delay be tween each bomb release. This help when trying to hit hangers. Set the delay to .05 (the shortest time between drops you can do) and you can drop bomb right on top of each other. So dropping 5 500lbers for a hanger is quick.

As mentioned above, when you hit/damage something it will post in the message bar in "orange" what you hit. A good run across a town will fill up a couple pages worth of hits and is very gratifying  :)

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2021, 04:11:11 PM »
And now for another perspective:

Personally I think bombing towns is boring, but then again I'm not a bomber guy. I do however I think it might be good to start.

I think the strat runs are the most exciting as you are flying around radars and trying to avoid all the guys determined to get you before you get to the strats.

It's exciting when you can pull it off but more times then not you'll end up dead and have nothing to show for the time you spent.

Offline Mongoose

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2021, 10:39:18 PM »
I am a fighter pilot, not a bomber guy.  That said, I have run across a couple of resources that might help.

First, 1ijac made some excellent maps.  Just in case you don't have them yet, I have them at this site:

Second, I ran across this site which has a lot of good information about bombing:

Third, I would recommend hitting towns first to get practice.  Then start hitting specific targets at bases.  This is a good way to get skill.

Hope this helps.
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Offline decoy

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2021, 10:16:50 PM »
Thanks so much, gentlemen.  I made a bomber run this afternoon and actually did some damage.  In the past I've been known to fly halfway across the map and try to drop without opening my bomb bay doors.  My favorite bonehead play to date is to fly across the map and drop on a friendly target.  Oops.

Rule #1 Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule #2 It's all small stuff.
Rule #3 What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  Except redheads, they just kill you.

Offline Mongoose

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2021, 09:04:13 PM »
In the past I've been known to fly halfway across the map and try to drop without opening my bomb bay doors.


As I said, I am a fighter pilot.  But I have done a fair amount of ground attack.  Once when I was new to the game, I did some attack runs and couldn't figure out why my bombs wouldn't explode. I kept thinking I was dropping too low.  About the third run I realized I was carrying drop tanks.
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Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2021, 02:54:02 AM »
Thanks so much, gentlemen.  I made a bomber run this afternoon and actually did some damage.  In the past I've been known to fly halfway across the map and try to drop without opening my bomb bay doors.  My favorite bonehead play to date is to fly across the map and drop on a friendly target.  Oops.

Brother! YOU SEE ME ON....BW1stpar/ULcapkid..more than happy to direct FIRE!  Fighter HELP?  +100 Just holler :rock  I dont "BOMBER" MUCH...but I know what you "Need To Know" do MANY other Brothers! :aok  All you need? Is To ASK!!!
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain

Offline decoy

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2021, 12:39:16 PM »
Brother! YOU SEE ME ON....BW1stpar/ULcapkid..more than happy to direct FIRE!  Fighter HELP?  +100 Just holler :rock  I dont "BOMBER" MUCH...but I know what you "Need To Know" do MANY other Brothers! :aok  All you need? Is To ASK!!!

I do appreciate the enthusiasm with which y'all answer my questions.  I flew in Warbirds from 1999-2001 and only quit when the judge doubled my child support.  In July 2020, I went back to WBs and enjoyed it a lot.  But, due to various factors, primarily the presence of players who apparent chief pleasure in life is cheating at a game... which has driven many paying customers away from WBs, the thrill ended.  One of my favorite players there recommended Aces High and I love it, mainly because of the challenges I'm facing.  I still fly in WBs at night because, face it, you can't drink and fly anything in Aces high.

I think one of the things I like best, and some may not even notice it, is the 'seat of your pants' sensation of flying when I'm focusing on the screen, especially during approach and landing.  Players that scream for 'real world' flight models would bang their heads over something as simple as the winds aloft aspect of high level bombing.

Rule #1 Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule #2 It's all small stuff.
Rule #3 What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  Except redheads, they just kill you.

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2021, 12:58:39 PM »
you can't drink and fly anything in Aces high.

Maybe you need to change up your drinks? One of my best missions (I think it was 9 without rearm) and (not "pickin" and  fighting at med to low alt in a 190) was when I was somewhere in between buzzed and wasted lol.

Maybe somebody can make a Heineken skin for my plane!

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2021, 04:25:57 PM »
Many of  AH players were in WB before, I was among them. I was even a trainer over there '=save=' for 11 years. AH is different in many ways, more planes to chose from, tanks etc.
Join a squad and you learn more quicky.
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"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Suggestions for rookie bomber missions
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2021, 04:37:14 PM »
I do appreciate the enthusiasm with which y'all answer my questions.  I flew in Warbirds from 1999-2001 and only quit when the judge doubled my child support.  In July 2020, I went back to WBs and enjoyed it a lot.  But, due to various factors, primarily the presence of players who apparent chief pleasure in life is cheating at a game... which has driven many paying customers away from WBs, the thrill ended.  One of my favorite players there recommended Aces High and I love it, mainly because of the challenges I'm facing.  I still fly in WBs at night because, face it, you can't drink and fly anything in Aces high.

I think one of the things I like best, and some may not even notice it, is the 'seat of your pants' sensation of flying when I'm focusing on the screen, especially during approach and landing.  Players that scream for 'real world' flight models would bang their heads over something as simple as the winds aloft aspect of high level bombing.


Why all our P-38s have SUX2025 blenders installed. That along with drop tanks..... one filled with Cuervo and the other with Triple-sec, make our frozen margaritas the talk of the game. It also makes the 38 the aircraft with the most distributed parts around each and every terrain.
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