My thanks to all who looked in on this plea for help.
I have not been able to get in AHIII for a while now,because I did something to my mach on one morning a while back.
This all started because I was getting frustrated while in-game with a squad member,my mic wasn't working quite right. So i thought I would log and come back in to see if that helped.In the time while I was out of AH, I got a Windows Update, a rather large Monthly kind for Win 7,you all are familiar with those im sure. Yes im still running Win 7 for now in case your wondering I have been budgeting for a upgrade, so i can take the flaming hehe.
I DL'ed the Update ..... it failed, tried again ...same , so I thought i would tackle that later, and being that I have hot even got down a half a cup-of-joe yet, I sat back in the chair and began thinking about the mic problem and the update failure.
I bet you're cautiously optimistic at that last sentence ,I would be ,if you knew my computer knowledge! Should've just stepped to the edge and jumped. I cant tell you the reason i deleted it ....must have been from the message on the Win Update still foggy ,happened so fast ...but i did ,I deleted Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable x 86) 14.0.24212 replaced that one with the 2017 C++ Redistributable that the update called for.That"s my story and I'm sticking to it.
I thought great ,I'll just re-DL AH and everything will be "Beans and Franks" .SO I deleted and re-installed AH,all"s well up to that point . Trouble is that when I go to run AH the program stops at the AH loading screen. I do recall an error message and I googled it , something about AV timing or something cant remember.
I have all the Microsoft Redistributables 2005,2010,2012,2013,and 2017 minus the 2015 I deleted on my machine . I have an old I7 Quad core intel cpu and everything I run daily on this mach. runs flawlessly. *Side note , I used to have other newer games on this computer Tarkov ,E Dangerous etc. but as this thing got older and RL I shelved them but i still have AH and also Falcon BMS, falcon still runs great,its just AH wont run ,
Did a search and found the 2015 Redistributables x86,64 DL'ed saved in Downloads same with the 2017's . My thinking is delete the 2017"s DL re-install 2015"s and 2017"s and "Bob's your Uncle" , don't know if that's sound thinking. My fear is all garbage in registry and I have no clue even looking on youtube about cleaning items in the registry.
So for now I'm like a deer in the Headlights
I would like to get back to AH.
Any help would be appreciated ,thank you in advance.