Glad you had a good time.
I just remembered SundayAM, think that was it, did show up but they were under a different gameID than the one they earned the reservation under and was unable to fly.
GameID changes are a problem for me and I probably could harass HiTech about it, and I am 1000% confident it would be harassment, to verify them somehow or track them; but it opens up the pandora’s box of who is really using that gameID? Some can see through a gameID and ID a player by voice, fighting style, among other things but I am not one of them. We have had impersonators in the past.
That’s another aspect where a players honesty and integrity, dare I say people have that online?, really comes into play. Maybe that’s another reason I keep hosting it, the people who attend it.
Then again….. maybe my ‘location’ has something to do with it.